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Thumbstick Layout - Legacy Thumbsticks

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DAgcwio.jpgAny chance the developers of Vigor could add the thumbstick layout that's  commonly known as Legacy Thumbsticks, so I can play Vigor? Thanks. It's an old style thumbstick layout that I've been using the past 20 years and I avoid games that dont have it, but I thought I'd come here and ask about this because Vigor look like it could be fun. 


Any way Legacy Thumbsticks is.. 


Left stick:


Up - move forward

Down - move backward

Left - turn left

Right - turn right


Right stick:


Up - look up

Down - look down

Left - move left

Right - move right


Basically, you take the Default thumbstick stick layout everyone normally uses where you move with left stick and look with the right stick, and simply swap the X (horizontal) axis of the sticks to the other stick, leaving the y (vertical) axis in place. I'd love to get this, I can't really play without it and the Xbox Accessories app on Xbox doesn't have the functionality to remap thumbsticks like this. 

Edited by ragnarokfps
Added picture of layout for better clarity

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