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Thoughts: Fixes and Issues

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I'm generally really enjoying Vigor, but I do have some thoughts:


- Only falling a few feet causes damage


- Some weapons have strange ballistics and won't hit when you'd think they would


-When using the signal detector, a blip appears for you, as well as the rest of the map


-When looting, sometimes your crosshair will be right on the item but the button prompt won't pop up


-Can't heal from inventory (also equiping healing items is very slow)


-Weapon sway in iron sights is very dramatic, and the bullets don't hit where the sight is aimed


-Game can crash when at safehouse


That's all I can think of for now, let me know if you agree.

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I understand that this is still a work in progress.  But some of the controls are unusual.  Switching between weapons and consumables.  As well as using them or toogling them is awkward and takes some time.  I would suggest to use the "Y" botton to switch between weapons.and the "D" pad for the consumables.  Some of the Division (Ubisoft) controls are very easy to understand and a good reference idea.  The shooting (ADS, aim down site) is very wide.  The aim is very wide cone area.  Very noticable with the handgun  (Yes, I have shot many guns)

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