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Group help.....

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Now...please be gentle...I'm new at trying to design missions.....

What I am doing is setting a Blackhawk w/squad on a radio trigger to come in as reinforcements. Everything works great....Blackhawk comes in, troopies get out, Blackhawk flies out..............

But now what?? I have tried assigning waypoints to the group to move....chopper doesnt drop troops. I'm kinda stuck here...

I know its prob a VERY simple thing I need to do, but like I told you...I'm still learning....

Thanks in advance....

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Hey Sarge,

I THINK, this should work. For the Blackhawk, use the TRANSPORT UNLOAD, waypoint, and SYNCHRONIZE it (that's F5) with the troops GET OUT waypoin. After their GET OUT WP, they should proceed to their next WP. That should work. Post again if you have further problems with it.

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One more thing to try, is on the waypoint you want the men to unload in, place an invisible H, this will designate to the chopper where to "drop it's load". I was attempting to get a Chinook to do a similar thing, and it would come in, touch the ground and then fly off without dropping anyone, after placing the invisible H with the appropriate transport unload, everything worked.

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I had a similar problem, instead of landing my chinook overshot the waypoint and spent a while flying over the battlefield before being shot down. I looked at this thread and added a syncronization and an invisible helipad and it works a treat. Cheers for being nice and actually telling us rather than say searc the bloody forums.

p.s can you get a rope to carry a tank into battle on a chinook? Because an infantary squad on its own is a bit pants.

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Mercutio....thanks for the help - got it to work, but its a little weird....

Tried your suggestion......it DOES work, but for some reason, you can't put waypoints for the chopper and the troops in the same spot. If you do, chopper just flies in and leaves. I have a "get out" WP for the troops, and a "transport unload" for the chopper. I don't know why it does it...Im not arguing - it doens't really effect the mission.


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