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Bone error please help!

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Hello. Im try to create uniform. But that doesn't work.

Please help.





    class CfgPatches
    class TshirtxAC_v1
        version = "1.1.3";
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = "1.1.3";
        requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgVehicles

        class B_Soldier_base_F;
        class TshirtxAC: B_Soldier_base_F
        scope = 2;
        author = "Hukahire-noob";
        dlc = "";
        model = "\yowayowa_equipment_Mod\@yowayowa_equipment\addons\TshirtxAC_AOR1.p3d";
        hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","insignia"};
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\yowayowa_equipment_Mod\@yowayowa_equipment\addons\data\Tshirt.paa","\yowayowa_equipment_Mod\@yowayowa_equipment\addons\data\AC_pants_AOR1.paa","\yowayowa_equipment_Mod\@yowayowa_equipment\addons\data\hl_white_bald_co.paa"};


class cfgWeapons
  class UniformItem;
    class Uniform_Base;

    class TshirtxAC_AOR1: Uniform_Base
        scope = 2;
        author = "Hukahire-noob";
        dlc = "";
        displayName = "TshirtxAC_AOR1";
        picture = "-";
        model = "\yowayowa_equipment_Mod\@yowayowa_equipment\addons\TshirtxAC_AOR1.p3d";
        class ItemInfo: UniformItem
            uniformModel = "\yowayowa_equipment_Mod\@yowayowa_equipment\addons\TshirtxAC_AOR1.p3d";
            uniformClass = "TshirtxAC";
            containerClass = "Supply40";
            mass = 1;
            allowedSlots[] = {"701","801","901"};
            armor = 0;



class CfgSkeletons
	class Default
		isDiscrete = 1;
		skeletonInherit = "";
		skeletonBones[] = {};
	class OFP2_ManSkeleton
		isDiscrete = 0;
		skeletonInherit = "";
		skeletonBones[] =
			// Head skeleton in hierarchy
			// New facial features
			// Left upper side
			// Right upper side
			// Left lower side
			// Right lower side
		// location of pivot points (local axes) for hierarchical animation

class CfgModels
	class Default
		sections[] = {};
		skeletonName = "";

	class ArmaMan: Default
		htMin = 60;          // Minimum half-cooling time (in seconds)
		htMax = 1800;        // Maximum half-cooling time (in seconds)
		afMax = 30;          // Maximum temperature in case the model is alive (in celsius)
		mfMax = 0;           // Maximum temperature when the model is moving (in celsius)
		mFact = 1;           // Metabolism factor - number from interval <0, 1> (0 - metabolism has no influence, 1 - metabolism has full influence (no other temperature source will be considered)).
		tBody = 37;  // Metabolism temperature of the model (in celsius)

		sections[] =
			"osobnost","Head_Injury","Body_Injury","l_leg_injury","l_arm_injury","r_arm_injury","r_leg_injury", "injury_body", "injury_legs", "injury_hands",
			"clan","clan_sign","Camo","CamoB","Camo1","Camo2","personality","hl", "injury_head", "insignia", "ghillie_hide"
		skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";

	class TshirtxAC_AOR1.p3d: ArmaMan{};


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