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force respawn at a respawn point

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so i made 8 characters, i enabled respawn on start, i enabled respawn on custom position, and i synced all the units to that marker, but when i start my mission all the units spawn in the ocean -the south-west corner of the map- so how can i force them to respawn there at starting and just respawn there whenever they die.

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Unsync those units from the markers, when you sync units to markers it gives them a random start, I have no clue why you're spawning out at sea.

Then, create a marker where you want your base to be, name it: respawn_west.
Create a description.ext in your game rootfolder, and then put this in it.


respawnOnStart = -1; // Default: 0
//-1 - Dont respawn on start. Don't run respawn script on start.
// 0 - Dont respawn on start. Run respawn script on start.
// 1 - Respawn on start. Run respawn script on start.

respawn = 0;		// Default: 0 for SP, 1 for MP
respawn = "SIDE";	// text version works too
respawnDelay = 42; // Default: ?

I would strongly urge you not to mess around in your description.ext too much, it can toss you errors or crash your game out if you do not follow the format..

Note, this is more tricky in single player, because you have to go into your options to disable death in single player.
If you have any question don't be shy, ARMA cab be kinda daunting at times, even more so when you're just starting to wrap your head around it.

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