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It doesn't work sad.gif

I drag a 22 kHz 16 bit mono wav file on the wav2lip program, and no lip file is created. Instead nothing happens sad.gif

What do i wrong please help

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oh, i got it. I made a directory wav2lip where i put in the wav2lip.exe and the wav file, and made it 44 kHz, 16 bit mono. Now it works.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gorgi Knootewoot @ Jan. 02 2003,16:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It doesn't work sad.gif

I drag a 22 kHz 16 bit mono wav file on the wav2lip program, and no lip file is created. Instead nothing happens sad.gif

What do i wrong please help<span id='postcolor'>

You solved the problem but, just FYI, search The FAQ for "wav2lip", where the problem is documented.

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