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Anyone recognise this map?

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I've made a very crappy overhead of a map I played ages ago on a friends computer.

AS this forums doesn't allow image posting i've uploaded it to my webspace (not Geocities)

Feel free to laugh at the pic, it's the best I could manage on MSPAINT sad.gif


Breif description:

I'm convinced the map was called Battle 2000 or something similar. Each team had a base which contains loads of different vehicles. Everything from helicopters to BMP's.

There was a large desert in between each base which was good for placing mines in. There was also a few small islands in the nearby ocean cus i remember ejecting from my helicopter and landing on 1, stranding myself.

If anyone knows what this what is called or where I can download PLEASE POST.

Thanks for your time

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looks like Everon to me. but guess nots ince you mentioned 'desert'

maybe Battlefield 1985? confused.gif

edit: we allow images that are

1) less than 100kb in size

2) complies with forum rule. i.e. no mutilation pics or porns or other disgusting stuff.

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no it's desert island... i think.... tounge.gif

i think someone before (not in this thread) said it was battlefield 1985. have you tried this map? i would check it if so many people know about it. wink.gif

otherwise i can't help you because i'm not downloading many MP-maps.

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