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Propeller blurring problems

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hi all, sort of new here to the community, had ofp for a long time, just started modelling and i got a few probs with prop blurring on my plane.

in game the prop used to spin perfectly fine, and then a white plane would come up once it reached operating rpm, after some changes to get the 2nd prop to spin on its own axis, the prop refuses to spin at all now, but still once it gets to operating rpm it changes to its white plane so any ideas on why its happen or what im doing wrong? can i please get the czech definitions and what i should be naming in o2? thanks alot


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couldnt find the url, but i saved the czech translations to a file...

// czech words in 'Operation*Flashpoint' resources

// in alphabetical order, best viewed with fixed width fonts (Courier) in any plain text editor/viewer (search function would be useful)

// special abbreviations used: abbreviation {abbr}, slang {sl}, adjective {adj}, diminutive {dim};

// version 0.04 [2002-06-20] by 'a-lone-wolf' : sorry, for any mistakes included ...

alt altimeter {abbr}

apac apache

asfalt asphalt

asfaltka asphalt, blacktop_road

auto car

barabizna hovel, shack

beden boxes

bedna box

beton concrete

bily pozicni blik white positional blinker

bok side

brejle glasses {sl}

bricho stomach, abdomen

bryle glasses

brzdove svetlo brake light

budova building

cerveny pozicni red positional

cerveny pozicni blik red positional blinker

cislo number

cisterna cistern, tank

civilista civilian

clun boat

ctverec square

dalekohled binoculars

delo gun

dlouha long

dlouhe long

dlouhy long

domek small house, cottage

doplnovani filling up, replenishing, completion

drevtank wooden_tank {abbr}

dum house

elektronika electronics

granat grenade

granatomet grenade_launcher

grupa group {sl}

helma helmet

hlaska watchtower

hlava head

hlina soil

hodinova hourly

horizont horizon

horni upper

hospoda pub

hrobecek grave {dim}

hromada stack, pile, heap

hromada_beden heap_(of)_boxes

hrudnik chest

humr hummer, humvee, hmmwv {sl}

kameny stones, rocks

kanon cannon, gun

karoserie car_body, coachwork

kasna fountain

klapka flap, aileron

koberec carpet

kola wheels

kolL wheel_Left {abbr}

kolo wheel

koloL wheel_Left {abbr}

koloP wheel_Right {abbr}

kolP wheel_Right {abbr}

kompas compass

konec granatometu end (of) grenade_launcher

konec hlavne end (of) barrel

konec L svetla end (of) Left light {abbr}

konec P svetla end (of) Right light {abbr}

konec svetla L end (of) light Left {abbr}

konec svetla P end (of) light Right {abbr}

konec svetla PL end (of) light Front_Left {abbr}

konec svetla PP end (of) light Front_Right {abbr}

korba hull

kostel church

kostelik chapel

koule sphere

koulesvetlo sphere_(of)_light {abbr}

kov metal

kozlice superposed_shotgun

kridlo wing

krizek small_cross

krk neck

krouzek small_circle

krychlicka small_cube

kulas machine_gun {sl}

kulomet machine_gun

kurzor cursor

kus piece

kusplechu piece_(of)_plate

l raketa left rocket {abbr}

l strela left missile {abbr}

L svetlo Left light {abbr}

lafeta gun-carriage

latka fabric, material

lauf barrel {sl}

lbiceps left_biceps {abbr}

lchodidlo left_sole_of_the_foot {abbr}

les forest

leva smerovka left rudder

leva vejskovka left elevator {sl}

levy left

levy kolo left wheel

levy prach left dust

levy predni left front

levy predni tlumic left front shock_absorber

levy prostredni left middle

levy prostredni tlumic left middle shock_absorber

levy zadni left rear

levy zadni tlumic left rear shock_absorber

lholen left_shin {abbr}

lloket left_elbow {abbr}

lod ship, vessel

lrameno left_shoulder {abbr}

lsroub left_propeller {abbr}

lstehno left_thig {abbr}

lzadek left_butt {abbr}

majak lighthouse

mala small, little

mala osa small axis

mala vrtule small rotor

mala vrtule blur small rotor blur

mala vrtule staticka small rotor static

mapa map

mensi smaller

mesto town

minutova minute {adj}

mireni aiming

miridla sights

motor engine

mrizka small_grill, lattice

mrtvola dead_body, corpse

munice ammunition

nabojnice cartridge_case

nabojniceend cartridge_case_end

nabojnicestart cartridge_case_start

nejty rivets {sl}

nemocnej sick {slang}

noha leg

nohy legs

nohybok legs_side

nozka small_foot

oblicej face

ocas tail

ohniste fireplace

ohorela charred

ohorelavec charred_thing

okno window

optika optics

optika_strela optics_missile

osa axis

osa leve smerovky axis (of) left rudder

osa leve vejskovky axis (of) left elevator {sl}

osa leveho kola axis (of) left wheel

osa prave smerovky axis (of) right rudder

osa prave vejskovky axis (of) right elevator {sl}

osa praveho kola axis (of) right wheel

osa predniho kola axis (of) nose wheel

osa vejskovky axis (of) elevator {sl}

OsaHlavne Axis_(of)_Barrel

OsaHlavneVelitele Axis_(of)_Barrel_(of)_Commander

osasterL axis_(of)_windscreen_wiper_Left {abbr}

osasterP axis_(of)_windscreen_wiper_Right {abbr}

OsaVelitele Axis_(of)_Commander

OsaVeze Axis_(of)_Turret

osavolantkon axis_(of)_steering_whel_end {abbr}

osavolantzac axis_(of)_steering_whel_start {abbr}

osa_alt axis_(of)_altimeter {abbr}

osa_buben axis_(of)_drum

osa_horizont axis_(of)_horizon

osa_kompas axis_(of)_compass

osa_mph axis_(of)_speed_indicator

osa_nm_alt axis_(of)_altimeter (elevation above sea level) {abbr}

osa_poklop axis_(of)_hatch

osa_radar axis_(of)_radar

osa_rpm axis_(of)_rpm (revolution counter)

osa_rychlo axis_(of)_speed_indicator {abbr}

osa_rychlo axis_(of)_speed_indicator {abbr}

osa_time axis_(of)_time

osa_ukazsmer axis_(of)_point_direction

osa_vert_speed axis_(of)_vertical_speed {abbr}

osobnost personality

OtocHlaven Turn_Barrel

OtocHlavenVelitele Turn_Barrel_(of)_Commander

OtocVelitele Turn_Commander

OtocVez Turn_Turret

p raketa right rocket {abbr}

p strela right missile {abbr}

P svetlo Right light {abbr}

padak parachute

palivo fuel

paluba deck

papir paper

pasanimL track_animation_Left {abbr}

pasanimP track_animation_Right {abbr}

pasL track_Left {abbr}

pasoffsetL track_offset_Left {abbr}

pasoffsetR track_offset_Right {abbr}

pasP track_Right {abbr}

pasy tracks

pbiceps right_biceps {abbr}

pchodidlo right_sole_of_the_foot {abbr}

pholen right_shin {abbr}

pisek sand

plast plastic

plech sheet, plate

ploket right_shin {abbr}

plot fence

pneu type {abbr}

podkoloL under_wheel_Left {abbr}

podkoloP under_wheel_Right {abbr}

podlaha floor

podsvit pristroju backlight (for) devices

podvozek chassis

poklop hatch

poskozeni damage

prameno right_shoulder {abbr}

prava smerovka right rudder

prava vejskovka right elevator {sl}

pravy right

pravy kolo right wheel

pravy prach right dust

pravy predni right front

pravy predni tlumic right front shock_absorber

pravy prostredni right middle

pravy prostredni tlumic right middle shock_absorber

pravy zadni right rear

pravy zadni tlumic right rear shock_absorber

predni front

predni kolo nose wheel

pristresek shed

prkna boards, planks

prolis extrude

provizorni provisional, temporary

pruchozi through

psroub right_propeller {abbr}

pstehno right_thig {abbr}

pytel bag

pytle bags

radar radar

radarKons radar_Mounting {abbr}

raketa rocket, missile

rampa ramp

rapid Skoda_sport_car

ret lip

ridic driver

roura pipe

ruce hands

ruka hand

rus russian

rychlo speed {abbr}

rychlost speed

rzadek right_butt {abbr}

schema diagram, scheme

sedacka seat

sektor sector

silnice road

sipka arrow

sklo glass

sklo L glass Left {abbr}

sklo P glass Right {abbr}

sklo predni L windscreen Left {abbr}

sklo predni P windscreen Right {abbr}

sklo zadni glass rear

skodovka Skoda_car {sl}

sluchatko earpiece

smer direction

snura cord

snurky strings, twines

spaleniste site_of_a_fire

Spice rakety spike (of) rocket

spodni lower, bottom

spodni ret lower lip

stabilizator stabilizer

stan tent

staticka static

stena wall

steracL windscreen_wiper_Left {abbr}

steracP windscreen_wiper_Right {abbr}

sterk gravel

stit shield

stopa mark, print

stopa PLL mark_Front_Left_Left {abbr}

stopa PLP mark_Front_Left_Right {abbr}

stopa PPL mark_Front_Right_Left {abbr}

stopa PPP mark_Front_Right_Right {abbr}

stopa ZLL mark_Rear_Left_Left {abbr}

stopa ZLP mark_Rear_Left_Right {abbr}

stopa ZPL mark_Rear_Right_Left {abbr}

stopa ZPP mark_Rear_Right_Right {abbr}

stozar pole, flagpole

stul table, desk

stulsuplik table_drawer

suplik drawer {dim}

sutr stone {sl}

svetla light {adj}

svetle light {adj}

svetlo light

svetloPL light_Front_Left {abbr}

svetloPP light_Front_Right {abbr}

svetly light {adj}

tankista member_of_tank_crew

telefon telephone

televize TV_set

televizesvideem TV_set_with_video

telo body, figure

terc target

traktor tractor

trojuhelnik triangle

trup body, hull, fuselage

ukaz point, show

ukazsmer point_direction

ukaz_rpm indicator_rpm {abbr}

ukaz_rychlo indicator_speed {abbr}

usti muzzle

usti granatometu muzzle (of) grenade_launcher

usti hlavne muzzle (of) barrel

vec thing

vejskovka elevator {sl}

velka big

velka osa big axis

velka vrtule big rotor

velka vrtule blur big rotor blur

velka vrtule staticka big rotor static

velke big

velky big

vez tower, turret

vicka eyelids

videem video

vlajka flag

vojak soldier

volant steering_wheel

vrtule propeller, rotor

vrtule blur propeller blur

vrtule staticka propeller static

vyfuk konec exhaust end

vyfuk start exhaust start

xicht face {sl}

zada back

zadek butt

zadni back, rear {adj}

zadni svetlo rear light

zamerny aiming_point, line_of_sight

zasleh flash

zbran weapon

zebra ribs

zeleny pozicni green positional

zeleny pozicni blik green positional blinker

zidle chair(s)

zidlicka small_chair

znaceni marking

znacka road_sign

zranen wounded

zrcadlit reflect, mirror

zrcadlovky glasses (reflex)

zvonice bell_tower

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Guest BratZ

I just was playing with this and had similiar problems.

In your normal LODS this is what I did....

Select the prop and blur...name it vrtule

Select the prop ...name it vrtule staticka (don't think this one is needed)

Select the blur...name it vtrule blur

Now in your memory LOD you need to set the 2 axis points and name them osa vrtule

And in your config.cpp under class cfgmodels you need:


sections[]={"vrtule staticka","vrtule blur"};

Hope this is of some help

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BratZ @ Dec. 31 2002,06:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Select the prop and blur...name it vrtule

Select the prop ...name it vrtule staticka (don't think this one is needed)

Select the blur...name it vtrule blur<span id='postcolor'>

All parts in selection "vrtule" will be rotated around propeller axis in memory.

Parts included in selection "vrtule staticka" will be hiden when is propeller rotating.

Parts included in selection "vrtule blur" will appear when is propeller rotating.

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Guest BratZ

Ahh thanx so much for clarifying that.This can be moved to O2 docs if u want so we can find it again : )

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Ok, that work with one prop. but I have two on my Fa-18 and try to make vrtule 0 and vrtule 1 then in memory I have osa vrtule 0 and osa vrtule 1.....

the vrtule 0 turn around vrtule 1 only one work... sad.gif

Can I make two propelers..working ?

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