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Praise & Ideas

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Love the game. I could play it just like it is for a while. (Besides obvious bugs already reported)


Concern: Too quick on gameplay, doesn't feel like "survival/gathering"..more run and gun and get out.


Idea 1: make the map 2x as big and add a 2nd airdrop, but the 2nd airdrop should be later, not at the same time. Increase max players up by maybe 2-5..or leave the same.


Idea 2:  seems to me the airdrop pretty much is end game. If someone takes it the game is over(radiation).. please allow more time after the drop for more looting and possible interaction with leftover players. Maybe by 5-10min?

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Btw. The game runs very smooth for early release and I would think it could handle larger maps etc

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I also really love prone. Same arma mechanics.. u can roll over on your side or on your back..its great

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