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Need help on some textures

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hi all,

is there some way that we cane use jpg ore gif ore tga instead of the paa/pac files on ore models?

wy i ask is that i have created some nice textures and in some way by converting them to .paa ,they misform completly and the jpg lookes perfect no noise one clear color.

plz help me out its for the rar-66 of my frend ,

the cocpit and detailes textures look good only the overallcolor want come good

thx m8

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this texture looks good but if i make my own the color want come good if ones converted to paa/pac.

i seen that some people use jpg in addons so plz tel us how you do that so we cane start using jpg instead of paa/pac?

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personally I was  quite happy with my texture been screwed into a pca or pcc or whatever  tounge.gif

I made some nice textures and the change of format adds a bit of nice noise that helps to add detail to the texture.

I don't think you should have a plain color at all. Specially when all vehicles in Flashpoint don't have it...it wouldn't match..

If you look at my ferret's turret, right by the side of the gun there are two different greens, a lighter and a darker one. It's done by the conversion...If it was plain color it would look completely unrealistic.

Personally I like the noise in your helicopter.


Maybe the size of the texture is too small or too big  tounge.gif

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thx i just put the old textures back on so its ready for beta testing and i go test it if i add some noise to it.

and if so wen we release the updated version of the rar-66 we put on those new textures,but your right about the one colored thing all the textures ingame ore noisy at close up .

thx i will put in a link as soon my frend released the model so you cane all test it and tel wat needs to be better ,

but thx for the help

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