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Cannot memory map filles ***

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Hi all,

som time OFP close imediateli and you see this message:

-Cannot memory ... ... ...

This is because you ave too mutch addons in OFP.

Use OFP Addon Manager from DKM .OFP-AM do not delete the addons hi only rename the addons in 1 click,exemple:

-CH47ME.pbo is rename als CH47ME.pbx and OFP dont see more this addon.

You need this,no problem,1 time more in 1 click the addon is "enable" for OFP.

Great program biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

For dwld go too the up links or HER .

Y thanks DKM for this GREAT program,reali nice job.

PS: sorry for my English,y speek french,you all ave enderstand me,right. tounge.gif

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only 22 peaple see this topic,y hope as this 22 ave dwld this realli nice prog.

You can ad one comentar for ewery addons from OFP or OFP-RES or other addons repertories from our HD.

PS: sorry for my English,y speek french,you all ave enderstand me,right. tounge.giftounge.giftounge.gif

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I take it that this will solve issues where a little nasty window comes up such as the one below?


If so then I'll also set a few other forums up with the link.


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May i say that this problem is not only related to addons but ATI Radeon graphics cards, mainly the new 9700 as was the case with myself.

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Shame that.

In this case I'm using a GF4 128 meg Vid Card that hasn't had any problems with the game.

I received this message this morning after I decided to reinstall all the addons I had backed up. (You see I stopped playing the game due to problems with the updates and all) Seems I jumped the gun on this one. wink.gif

I can probably fix this by doing a complete reinstall and then picking the addons that I need with the missions that I have.


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