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[EU] Strike Force Viking - Mechanized Infantry RECRUITING

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Who We Are
We are a European realism unit who operates on a casual basis. We've done away with mustering and many of the typical, more frustrating aspects to bring a more hassle free unit to the community. We operate using an modified but authentic section and role structure and use real world military tactics, provided by either current serving or ex-military personnel from several different countries. With that said, anyone can apply, regardless of career and must be at least 17+.

What We Do
To aid the effectiveness of our unit, we typically use Zeus whenever on 'official operations' as it provides a level of flexibility that regular mission editing does not. Namely, anything can happen at any one point as dictated by the Zeus. We believe that following a linear structure to a mission (particularly in ArmA) can become very boring rather quickly. Instead, we plan phases to each operation and come up with a backstory to follow. During each mission a series of objectives are issued and it is up to those on the ground to find a way to accomplish said objectives with the assets provided. That being said, the Zeus is there to "shake things up" and can potentially decide the outcome of the mission and operation! We also play fully created missions on occasion without Zeus too.

Currently Searching for:
2x Section Commander
2x Grenadier
1x Team Medic
2x Support Gunner
1x AntiTank


Apply here!

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