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uncle reiben

Choppers acting funny...

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yeah... they always act funny, but this is irritating.

im working on a vietnam mission using SEB Nam pack 2,  and at some point a UH-1H Dustoff Huey comes in and drops some medics off,

if i were to give the chopper a Land waypoint or trasnport unload, it would take forever to find a spot to land, and It'd get its Tail RPG'd to death.

I made it so that they  do a quick drop by  having them slow down and  descend to  ~2 Meters, drop off the troops and take off again... which works a hell of a lot better, and looks cool too. But it requires the Chopper to approach from a certain direction:

My problem is...  the dustoff follows the waypoint in and then Turns off ( it seems like its Engaging the NVA Soldiers )

this turning away screws the whole thing up, and I end up with a buncha dead medics.

I wanna know if I could block out the pilot from either recognizing or engaging  the NVA to see if that works, i couldnt find anything that looked like that in the ComRef.

It's waypoint is set to hold fire (not engage at will) (tried never fire... no difference) and the Behavior mode is careless, so i dont know what else could keep him from  turning to go play  dodge-RPG with the NVA

if anyone has any ideas plz help me... (cuz every time the Chopper screws up i LAW the sucker, so for their sake)

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hold fire doesn't stop it from firing; it just reduces its likelihood of firing. Moreover, it's still on "engage" (although not "Engage at will"), so it will maneuver with respect to the enemy.

Set it to "Never Fire"(that's CombatMode "Blue") and "careless"

also, if you find it goes to 2 m, then pops up (spraying medics everywhere), it's rejecting a landing (because of slope or something).

Never Fire _does_ make a difference.

If you're still getting trouble, try a setcaptive on the helo

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one more helo topic...

pls use the faboulos m_search.gif button to find what you need. Your questions have been answered multiple times.

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DINGER--- I have been foiling with CHOPPERS for a quite awhile to find out things and how they work.

For one use the "NEVER FIRE" command.

Set behavior to "CARELESS"

Set speed to "Limited" to assure ZERO problems. Setting the speed to full will cause the heli to over shoot the area sometimes and then it has to reconfigure itself again to get to the spot. And this causes strange behavior.

Also I have come to the realization that Aircrafts in the game especially Helicopters need a THING to land on, NAMELY a HELI designated area{heliPad}.

I have noticed that this way was used in the actual official game itself by the makers.

What you wanna use is the H{Invisible} helipad and place it where you want the Helicopter to land.Its invisible so it won't show in your game or anything of course.You'll find this in the EMPTY\OBJECTS menu in the editor.

Providing there is ample room for a landing within REALISM, your HELI will nail the spot every freakin time.

I have done this and I continue to do this to this very day and it works solid.

Maybe others know this too, but I don't do much searching here. I kinda slowly figure things out myself.

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