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Makeshift ah-1w

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Well after scouring through a bit and searching for help, tutorials, etc., after 5 days I've finally got a fairly likeable AH-1W Whiskey Cobra.

Bugs: Rockets, TOW, and Cannon all come out of the center of the A/C (will fix later); Non functional or even advanced cockpit; no gunner view; Seems to be just a tad too large for a AH-1W (will rescale eventually); textures are alpha; Transparent cockpit seems to "cut out" in cockpit objects; and some texturing bugs.

Not too different from the AH-1S game-code wise, which is why I chose it. Same armanent, I might change this later (add a stinger equipped model maybe, hellfires possibly).

Please note, this is a TEMPORARY AH-1W until some other people finish their AH-1Ws. I don't intend to publically release it, and my knowledge of making the model in OFP aside from the mesh is a little bit low (especially memory points!).

But I assume you guys just want to see a shot of it, SO...


If you want the mesh/model/unit for yourself in current form, contact me @ franzebots@mechmodels.com .

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