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Error with AddAction / Create Diary

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Hello. I'm running into a slight issue with one of my scripts I wrote.

I'm trying to run it via MP and have players walk up to an object, collect it, and then a diary entry (with a notification) will be created showing (along with a few other things).


if (hasInterface) then
	player createDiaryRecord ["Intel", ["Generator Location", "Local resistance cells have managed to <markername='generatorloc'>locate</marker> a generator which is powering The Castle. If we destroy, it will knock out communication and power to the city, making our extraction easier.<br /><img image='generator.paa' />"]; 
	deleteVehicle intel1pick;
	"Intel collected. Check Map." remoteExec ["hint"];
	"generatorloc" setMarkerAlpha 1;
	["TaskSucceeded",["Intel: Generator Location"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;

So, as you can see a few things are going on. First the diary record is to be created (I tried playing around with the built in intel one but it was a bit confusing, and I wanted to try my hand at scripting). Next, the laptop is deleted/removed. Next a hint is played, followed by a marker on the map showing up, and as a final measure, another notification displaying the type of intel.


This is the code within the laptop:

intel1pick addAction ["Download Information",  remoteExec ["intel1.sqf"]];

I originally had JIP on the end but it was throwing up some errors, complaining about missing sections.


The only problem is that when I go up to the item and active the addAction, nothing seems to work? In fact, when I load into the map my intel (above) is already showing. To make matters worse, the actual image isn't showing up in the briefing despite being in the folder.

I was told that as it is addAction I don't need to play around too much with remoteExec, as it is for MP?


Is there something that I'm missing in the scripts?

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