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Make unit lie on its back

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look what i did confused.gif

kind of works but doesn't look very professional.  i've seen soldiers lie on their backs in Klink's medical Huey but i can't figure out how he did it. any suggestions on how to create such an effect?

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


?(GetDammage unitA > .2):goto "loop1"

goto "start"


unitA switchmove "CombatRunBDyingVer2"

; makes unit fall over and lie on its back


unitA groupchat "i'm hit! help me!"

_dir =getdir unitA

_pos = getpos unitA


unitA setdir _dir

unitA setpos _pos

; stops unit rotating and bouncing

unitA setdammage (getdammage unitA + .0002)


;makes unit bleed to death :)

?(GetDammage unitA < .1):goto "end"

;does unit get help??

goto "loop2"


unitA switchmove "LyingToTreatedLying"

unitA groupchat "thanks man"

goto "start"

<span id='postcolor'>

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