Salutesh 16 Posted October 21, 2017 Hello Arma Community! I am stuck with a problem on a system that i am building up with some mates. The system allows the players to interact with any kind of map objects if there is a configuration entry for this model. My problem so far is that if a object is inside a building/house the action is not be displayed even if the object model is the cursorObject. For objects outside of buildings/houses is working just fine. The only way i can bring up the options is to remove the distance condition between object and player but in this way the player cant interact with objects from a very huge distance. This is my code for the action itself: private _holdActionID = 0; private _holdActionIDs = []; { private _textInfo = getText (_x >> "text"); private _actioniconInfo = getText (_x >> "icon"); private _idleiconInfo = getText (_x >> "icon"); private _modelInfo = getArray (_x >> "models"); private _itemInfo = getArray (_x >> "items"); private _objectsList = missionNamespace getVariable ["ExileClientSavengedObjects", []]; private _condition = format ["(((getModelInfo cursorObject) select 0) in %1 && {player distance2D cursorObject < 5} && !(cursorObject in (missionNamespace getVariable ['ExileClientSavengedObjects', []])) && (player getVariable ['CanScavenge', true]) && (vehicle player == player))", _modelInfo]; private _configClassName = configName _x; _holdActionID = [ player, _textInfo, _actioniconInfo, _idleiconInfo, _condition, "_caller distance _target < 5", {}, { private _progressTick = _this select 4; if (_progressTick % 2 == 0) exitwith {}; playsound3d [((getarray (configfile >> "CfgSounds" >> "Orange_Action_Wheel" >> "sound")) param [0,""]) + ".wss",player,false,getposasl player,1,0.9 + 0.2 * _progressTick / 24]; }, { _configClassName = (_this select 3) select 0; [_configClassName] call ExileExpansionClient_system_scavenge_action_conditionEvents; }, {}, [_configClassName], 0.5, 0, false ] call ExileExpansionClient_gui_holdActionAdd; _holdActionIDs pushBack _holdActionID; } forEach ("true" configClasses (missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileScavenge")); player setVariable ["ExileScavangeActionIDs", _holdActionIDs]; So far i tested distance and distance2D for the condition but its still only working for objects outside of buildigs. The action itself is a holdaction. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salutesh 16 Posted October 22, 2017 Problem solved! Thread can be closed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites