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Wave system not triggering next wave - missionNameSpace not being set

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Hi guys,


I have a custom wave defence script that me and another guy built a year or so ago, and i haven't touched it since. But now when i try and use it, it doesn't work properly. 

When everything is killed from a wave it is soposed to set a missionNameSpace variable to true, which a trigger then reads and starts the next wave. But killing the wave doesnt set the nameSpace variable. 


I have checked that the the next wave trigger is working correctly by adding a playerAddAction to set the nameSpace var manually and it triggers the next wave as expected. 


Can you see what's wrong with this?  


	case "wave1" : {
		private ["_loc", "_veh", "_waypoint", "_allunits", "_playersinOA"];
		_playersinOA = _oaMarker call fnc_playersinOA;
		["<t color='#ff0000' size = '0.8'>Warning!<br />Wave 1 Incoming In 30 Seconds!</t>",-1,-1,6,1,0,789] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_dynamicText",_playersinOA,false];
		sleep 30;
		_loc = getmarkerpos _wave;
		_veh = ["O_MRAP_02_gmg_F"];
		_waypoint = getMarkerPos _wpt;
		_allunits = [_veh, _loc, _waypoint] call fnc_createWave;
		waitUntil {sleep 2; 0 != count _allunits};

			[_allunits] spawn {
				params ["_infantry"];

				waitUntil {
				  sleep 10;
					0 == {alive _x} count _infantry;

				missionNamespace setVariable ["w1_done",true,false];



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This is a bit all over the shop cos it looks like its cut from a switch do setup so _wave is not defined in what youve shown.

Anyway, run the code with script errors on. Could be something as simple as

 _oaMarker call fnc_playersinOA;

//May need to be
[_oaMarker] call fnc_playersinOA;


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