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Carriers - ofp 1.46

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I've got myself a very basic object, not much more than a test (a very simple Wasp class helicopter carrier). I've heard that only Resistance will allow you to walk around and land on them. Regardless, I have gotten it to work to a certain degree in OFP v 1.46, but helicopters, when landing on the carrier, "bounce" around a bit (which steadily gets more violent), and walking movement is sluggish while on the deck. The carrier is just a static object, but is there any way to eliminate the bouncing of the helicopter?

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Also, I've ran into a problem where only the general center of gravity is landable/walkable on. I read that this has to do with the convexes, but none of the simple blocks or boxes I have created effectively hold anything up. You can walk or fly right through them.

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roadway must be slightly above geomatry model, then stuff doesnt bounce

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Will the roadway work in OFP 1.46? I've heard that OFP 1.46 doesn't support the roadway function.

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