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Random Target Script Issue

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So I have created this script and have lanes of twelve targets down. I have the script to pop up 20 random targets but only will pop as many targets as I have laid down on the map.


Perhaps can look at this and give me some insight why.




// Prepping the arrays to hold the sorted targets
TargetsLane1 = [];
TargetsLane2 = [];
TargetsLane3 = [];
TargetsLane4 = [];
TargetsLane5 = [];
TargetsLane6 = [];

// This function checks all the targets and sorts them based on catagories and stores them in arrays.
	_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this call third_Func_Target_Hit}];
	_x animate ['terc', 1];

	_Ln1 = [lane1trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;
	_Ln2 = [lane2trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;
	_Ln3 = [lane3trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;
	_Ln4 = [lane4trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;
	_Ln5 = [lane5trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;
	_Ln6 = [lane6trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;

	if (_Ln1) then {TargetsLane1 set [count TargetsLane1, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];};
	if (_Ln2) then {TargetsLane2 set [count TargetsLane2, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];};
	if (_Ln3) then {TargetsLane3 set [count TargetsLane3, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];};
	if (_Ln4) then {TargetsLane4 set [count TargetsLane4, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];};
	if (_Ln5) then {TargetsLane5 set [count TargetsLane5, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];};
	if (_Ln6) then {TargetsLane6 set [count TargetsLane6, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];};

} forEach _targetList;

// Unknow distance functions

thirdUnkDistMasterArray = [TargetsLane1,TargetsLane2,TargetsLane3,TargetsLane4,TargetsLane5,TargetsLane6];

Third_Func_PronSup = {

	// 20 targets but must start with 0.
	// this will keep track of whats been poped.
	_ProneSupMasterCount = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13];

	_meu_Func_get_rand_targets = {

		//Pick 1 random targets
		_target1 = _ProneSupMasterCount call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

		//remove them so we dont select them again
		//_uknTargetMasterCount = _uknTargetMasterCount - [_target1];

		_list = [_target1];

// First Target
hint "Target 1!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Second Target
hint "Target 2!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Third Target
hint "Target 3!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Fourth Target
hint "Target 4!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Fifth Target
hint "Target 5!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Sixth Target
hint "Target 6!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Seventh Target
hint "Target 7!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Eigth Target
hint "Target 8!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Ninth Target
hint "Target 9!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Tenth Target
hint "Target 10!";
	_targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets;
		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;

	sleep 6;

		_laneNum = _x;

			(_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1];
		} forEach _targetsList;

	} forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray;
// Tenth Target

_showNote =[["ThirdKneelingProne",[]],"BIS_fnc_showNotification",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

I've only included 10 targets in the script but if I have 20 or 15 or any more than a number of targets in the triggers (which is 12) it will only pop up that amount. Any help on this would be helpful.



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