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Help with moving units.

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Thanks in advance for all the help....

Heres what I have. I have a script file for my hold them off type level. I'm having problems sending units (enemy in) I've given the group leaders names and then I've (@ the appropriate time in the mission) told them to...

INF1 domove (getmarkerpos Invade1)

I've tried breakin Invade1 down into it's X and Y position with no effect. They just all stand there. What am I doing wrong? I've specifically refered to the units by name in the script file. I'm fairly sure that the unit names are public so passing them on shouldn't be a prob... or am I wrong..


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Use WP's for god sake!!

I'd say you are fairly new at this editing business so leave all the get po this and getpos that and use WP's untill you have a better grasp of the editor.

Just sync it to a trigger for the attack to begin.

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ummm yeah, I've been doing this for a while just never this way. Thanks for the help pal, next time work on the help part. I know how to make waypoints and I thouroughly understand the triggers to make such a level.... but I'm asking how with a script to do this. I've done everything proper in terms of getting the markerpos and such. just when I give an unit the domove order they don't move; AnD another advantage of doing it this way is you can vary what attacks when (moving unit groups from wave1 to wave2 or even wave3) without having to do anything execpt build a random selector that varies the placement each time so the level never gets old.

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Pretty simple all the same

_Unit1 move [_x,_y,_z]

and Unitq will move to those cóordinates.

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yeah something is goofed then. I give them the unit move command and they just sit there.

weirdness. probably something simple that I'm missing.

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Don't forget the move command only works if you give a name to a group

Unit1 = group this

Now this has to be given in the init field of your group leader and not in the script, because that won't work (havn't found out why though, if somebody could tell why, I'd be a happy man).

Next you place the Unit1 move [z,y,z,] command in your script and presto!

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Could also try it with waypoints and have the leader's init field set to:

this LockWP true;

then set up a trigger and in the activation field:

enemyname LockWP false;

Where enemyname is the name you gave your enemy leader. He'll stop at the first WP (put one right in front of him). Then when the trigger is tripped, the enemy leader will go to the next WP.

It may be a crude or cheesy way to do it, but it works for me. :)

Hope this helps.

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