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Crash When Trying to Host Multiplayer

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So, I ran into an issue yesterday. I've editing a MP mission for my buddies and I to play (I've actually been working on this mission for the last week or so), and I've been saving, exporting, then going to host a LAN game, to make sure things work periodically. Up until yesterday, things have been working perfectly. At some point yesterday, I decided to look around at what BIS does for their own Zeus mission files (specifically the Tanoa one, since the the campaign I'm working on takes place on Tanoa). I then go rooting through the Arma 3 directory, opening pbo's in PBO Manager v1.4 until I come across Tanoa. I extract it to my personal MPMission folder in my documents, then go open it in the editor. Now, before I actually get into this, I was actually working with about 1, maybe 2 GBs left on my SSD, so that may have something to do with this error, but I'm not entirely sure. At any rate, I edit the mission file a little bit, save it, export it, then go to multiplayer. I click host, and as I click okay to start the server, the entire game crashes and gives me this error:



Then, after hitting the OK, another dialog pops up:




Now, mind you, I don't remember messing with any Altis files. I did open that pbo in the PBO Manager, but I didn't edit anything. I just simply closed it because that wasn't what I wanted, and moved on. I decided to check to see if the description.ext file was actually missing or not, so I once again opened the PBO Manager to try to find it (after moving all my steam library to my 2 TB HDD, validating the file integrity of Arma 3 through steam, and it still not working), and this is what I see:




So yeah, I'm at a loss as to what to do at this point. I don't really want to reinstall the game (because it's 20+ GBs, and I only have a dl speed of about 7Mbps), but I realize that's a real possibility. I was just more or less wanting to know if there's any way to fix this without resorting to that.

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