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Kris Parsons

Looking for help with mission making. $

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Hey Guys 

I am looking for some help mission making for a server. As I am very confused by most of this, and having difficulty I thought I would leave it to a better person who actually knows what there doing. 

There are some requirements obviously: ARMA, ARMA Mission making, Unsung.  Briefly a description on what i am looking for. A set of rotating maps, with patrol ops style objectives (attack tower, ambush, clear area) type of things, some random AI units to harass (attack base camps, river patrol, EI convoys). 

The Unsung mod has music loaded into it, but the ability to add or edit. (something slightly user friendly would be fantastic or ability to walk me through it) If this sounds like a mission that someone could accomplish that would be fantastic. Please get in touch and we can discuss the finer points of it.  

Also I am appreciative of people time and effort so yes of course $ is on the table. Please reach out through steam  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037996498/home, email at cccmedic1000@gmail.com  . I also have discord for getting easier communication. 

Thanks guys and talk soon!


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