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Program error on start...

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Ok, i just unzipped the O2 program into a directory, ran the Objectiv2Light.exe file, and after the logo comes up, i get a 'Program Error' when the application window comes up.

This is pretty much the Illegal Operation for Windows 2000... and i have no idea why its happening..... I have had this program installed earlier, and it ran fine... Anyway i deleted everything since i didnt want to dedicate an entire drive just for this program (i have NO idea why you even have to do that! - its not explained anywhere - yes i made a post asking this earlier also)

Basically now i get this error after i start up the program... i even deleted both the O2 and Viewer, and tried setting it up again, but still get this error just when i start the program....

Is there a config file maybe hidden somewhere which i can delete so i can setup the config over? Or how can i fix this?

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Oh, n/m, i fixed it.

Just had to put O2 in the same folder as the Viewer.. Even seems to work if i put all the viewer files in a single dir, and O2 in that dir.....

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