jawk2 1 Posted November 17, 2002 Well i m doing this *i hope u will figure out what i m doing hehe*, but now i m a bit broke about all the action i m able to do with the command "Action" *notice the official comref is very silent about that... actually i m unpbo my flashpoint hoping the array arent hardcoded*: **a clue the begin of the script will be an: #Update ;detect the presence of an laserdesignatorman ?(Player HasWeapon "LaserDesignator"):goto "Sequencea" ~10 Goto "Update" player addAction ["call airstrike", "savapéter.sqs"] exit ***** </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ********************************* second is a script that create the whole thing tgt = _this select 0 _tmp = getpos(_tgt) _x=0 _y=0 _z=0 ; create an empty A10LGB whatever u want air_unit = "A10LGB" createVehicle ([(_temp select 0) + _x, (_temp select 1) + _y, (_temp select 2) + _z]) ~0.1 ;create a westpilot whatever u want & group it with you and get it into the A10LGB "SoldierWPilot" createunit [[1000,1000,1000], group player, "this moveInDriver air_unit "] air_unit action [ "< i m stuck there >"] ;detect if the bomber still got some ammo, if not end airstrike #update ? (air_unit ammo "LaserGuidedBombLauncher" == 0): goto "Finmissionbombardement" ~10 goto #update #Finmissionbombardement air_unit sideChat "Ammo depleted end of mission, skull leader out" exit <span id='postcolor'> Well i m trying to do the easyest airstrike script for MP..... easy *yes i checked the SP mission A10LGB only need an activ target and a behaviour set to but i m actually only stuck by the action.... only that is missing and the only thing i got is that: ***extract from Axleonline unofficial ref... yes we remember man*** </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Appendix F : Action Type List Here are list of the actions that you can have a unit perform using the action command. STR_NO_ACTION No action available STR_ACTION_GETIN_COMMANDER Get in %s as commander STR_ACTION_GETIN_DRIVER Get in %s as driver STR_ACTION_GETIN_PILOT Get in %s as pilot STR_ACTION_GETIN_GUNNER Get in %s as gunner STR_ACTION_GETIN_CARGO Get in %s ride in back STR_ACTION_HEAL Heal at %s STR_ACTION_REPAIR Repair at %s STR_ACTION_REFUEL Refuel at %s STR_ACTION_REARM Rearm at %s STR_ACTION_GETOUT Get out STR_ACTION_LIGHTON Light on STR_ACTION_LIGHTOFF Light off STR_ACTION_ENGINEON Engine on STR_ACTION_ENGINEOFF Engine off STR_ACTION_WEAPON Weapon %s STR_ACTION_MAGAZINE Reload %s STR_ACTION_TAKEWEAPON Take %s STR_ACTION_DROPTAKEWEAPON Take %s (drop %s) STR_ACTION_TAKEMAGAZINE Take %s STR_ACTION_DROPTAKEMAGAZINE Take %s (drop %s) STR_ACTION_TAKEFLAG Take Flag STR_ACTION_RETURNFLAG Return Flag STR_ACTION_TURNIN Turn in STR_ACTION_TURNOUT Turn out STR_ACTION_WEAPONINHAND %s in hand STR_ACTION_WEAPONONBACK %s on back STR_ACTION_SITDOWN Sit down STR_ACTION_EJECT Eject STR_ACTION_LAND Landing autopilot STR_ACTION_CANCEL_LAND Landing autopilot off STR_ACTION_TO_DRIVER To driver's seat STR_ACTION_TO_PILOT To pilot's seat STR_ACTION_TO_GUNNER To gunner's seat STR_ACTION_TO_COMMANDER To commander's seat STR_ACTION_TO_CARGO To back seat STR_ACTION_HIDE_BODY Hide body STR_ACTION_TOUCH_OFF Touch Off %d bomb(s) STR_ACTION_START_TIMER Set timer on (%.0f seconds) STR_ACTION_SET_TIMER Set timer +%.0f sec. (%.0f remaining) STR_ACTION_DEACTIVATE Deactivate bomb STR_ACTION_TAKEOFF_GOGGLES Take off NV goggles STR_ACTION_TAKEON_GOGGLES Take on NV goggles STR_ACTION_MANUAL_FIRE Manual fire STR_ACTION_MANUAL_FIRE_CANCEL Cancel manual fire http://www.concept-5.com/ofp/tutorials/CMREFv103.htm (90 of 99) [09/09/2001 09:50:59] STR_ACTION_HOVER Auto-hover STR_ACTION_HOVER_CANCEL Cancel Auto-hover STR_ACTION_STROKEFIST Strike with fist STR_ACTION_STROKEGUN Strike with gun Unofficial Operation Flashpoint Command Reference Manual <span id='postcolor'> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites