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-TNF-The Rocket

New coop ready for download

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I just need a script that allows the unplayable pilots to respawn near the choppers while the playable soldiers respawns a few meters away. I know theres other ways to do this but I'm not sure how to do or which script.

And this mission will be edited when SEB Nam Pack 2.0 is realesed. Cause Ia Trang will be Ia Drang and will have a few changes. And I will add the namunits and vehicles smile.gif

You will be a soldier in a team of your choice and you will be inserted by a Blackhawk to an insertion point and then you will have airsupport (artillery) and Flare support (instead of shells it will be flares) So you get some lights biggrin.gif

If you choose AT soldier then you will have to take out heavy vehicles and help the other infantry to break trough the defence line then eliminate the enemy commandeer biggrin.gif

I maybe will make cutscenes but I'm not sure confused.gif

If you get injured then you will have permission at medic tent in base so you will have to get back to the insertion point where the Blackhawks will wait for injured soldiers If you are far away form the insertion point then a truck will pick you up.

Your side is WEST adn only east will have heavy vehicles.

I'll maybe fix the mission on another part of Ia Drang if the choppers can come to insertion point because of shilkas that can shoot down the chopper. biggrin.gif

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