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The most annoying question in the world

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Am sick and tired of searching for certain editing info pages when I never seem to find what I am looking for.

Need to learn how to use the create cam stuff, want to put a cam on a  hill, and make it focus on a couple of AH64´s closing in and passing by (cinematic). I know nothing about this, so if anyone could just point me the right direction I would be happy. Please do not copy and paste one of those general urls if you just think it could be there. I really need the info.

Yes, I have the command reference, but it is not helping much. Would like a bigger version with more in depth info.

Also, I need to learn more about cut scenes, intros and outros. So far, 90% of the OFP sites I visit have little useful information on the subject.

Yet another question: As I and a few others are planning on making missions in our native language, what is the best solution to the map grid voice and general commands? During a mission in a foreign language, it sounds weird to hear map locations in English, if you know what I mean. And I would like to have the uniform and vehicle patches replaced by our own country flag.

Thanks in advance


(Edited by Hidden at 2:29 am on Dec. 6, 2001)

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USe the links section of this site and visit at least 4 other OFP sites. When there go to the tutorials or the downloads section and download EVERYTHING that looks like it may contain useful information.

I have a directory with many many many tutorials and code snippets. You should have the same. Use the code snippets to find out how to write scripts. A mission without a script is like a coffee without the cup (you can get what you want in the end, but It'll take you a lot of lickkin').

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Hidden, in response to your enquiry about English spoken Map references.

If there's no simple way of changing the speech, how about putting in loads of Narrative in your own language using "Triggers". At key points you can use on-screen text to appear and direct players much like subtitles in a foreign movie!

Just a thought!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Daneel on 3:38 am on Dec. 6, 2001

USe the links section of this site and visit at least 4 other OFP sites. When there go to the tutorials or the downloads section and download EVERYTHING that looks like it may contain useful information.

I have a directory with many many many tutorials and code snippets. You should have the same. Use the code snippets to find out how to write scripts. A mission without a script is like a coffee without the cup (you can get what you want in the end, but It'll take you a lot of lickkin').

<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks for the url and information, I really appreciate it. Like you said, collection as many scripts and articles as possible is probably the best (and only) solution if I am going to learn enough to make good missions. Must learn the scripting part too, no doubt. I will do what I did when I started learning HTML and JavaScript, copy and see how the code works, then edit and in the end write it all myself.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Bloodshot on 4:13 am on Dec. 6, 2001

Hidden, in response to your enquiry about English spoken Map references.

If there's no simple way of changing the speech, how about putting in loads of Narrative in your own language using "Triggers". At key points you can use on-screen text to appear and direct players much like subtitles in a foreign movie!

Just a thought!

<span id='postcolor'>

That´ll do too, just think about all the grid location files, if I would like to use something in Norwegian, I would have to record voicefiles for the whole map, or 3 maps.. *faint*.

When you say narratives, do you mean just putting a trigger with a plain text effect in it? Should work, I could even record a few files to guide the player.

What about files like "All, take cover", "All, hide", "All, get in" e.t.c., do you know whether replacing the English files with Norwegian would be too much work? Or else it will be a rather strange mix of English and Norwegian, but on the other side we could make missions based on Norwegian forces in foreign countries with NATO or something like that.

I will never take the Norwegian flag down anyway, it looks just fine up there! LOL


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Jeg tror at du kan lage "1...target....soldier" med din egen stemme (og sĺ selfřgelig i ditt eget sprĺk). Nĺ du har tatt opp alle ordene som trenges (veldig mange) sĺ mĺ du bare gir stemme et navn sett filene inn med originale og set stemmene til dine soldater til den navn du brukt.

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