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O2 keeps crashing when....

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Well, sometime it crashes when I exit it. The error message can't be clicked away -only by starting Win new...


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I have the same problem I can't texture anymore. Everytime I hit the A button O2 crashes. Even when there is no vertex at all. But that's not all. When I open a model from somone else it doesn't crash. I have no idea what's the problem but I am stuck as long as I don't find a solution.

And yes I've already reinstalled O2 10 times.

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here the error log if it helps anybody.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">=====================================================================

== E:\o2light\Objektiv2Light.exe


Exe version: Wed Aug 21 14:59:44 2002


Date: 10/26/02 Time: 19:45:03


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Fault address: 00454FC7 01:00053FC7 E:\o2light\Objektiv2Light.exe

Fault address: 00454FC7 01:00053FC7 E:\o2light\Objektiv2Light.exe

Prev. code bytes: 0 0 0 D9 5C 24 10 DB 41 4 8B CB D9 5C 24 14

Fault code bytes: D9 0 D8 21 83 C0 4 83 C1 4 83 C2 4 4D D9 5A


EAX:011B3AC4 EBX:01173934

ECX:01173934 EDX:0012F8C8

ESI:00000000 EDI:01173930


SS:ESP:0023:0012F8B0 EBP:00000002

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000



Call stack:

Stack 0012F8B0 001301D0

Address Logical Function

mapfile: E:\o2light\Objektiv2Light.map (empty 1)

00454FC7 0001:00053FC7 E:\o2light\Objektiv2Light.exe<span id='postcolor'>

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yes , it used to work fine..but then it did that ...so what i did to fix it..is i would close the viewer..then press A...then it works...but now ...nothing works .. "A" has become my new Exit propgram shortcut..

here is my error log too:



== C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.exe


Exe version: Wed Aug 21 14:59wow.gif0 2002


Date: 10/24/02 Time: 22:44wow.gif1


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Fault address: 00454FC7 01wow.gif0053FC7 C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.exe

Fault address: 00454FC7 01wow.gif0053FC7 C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.exe

Prev. code bytes: 0 0 0 D9 5C 24 10 DB 41 4 8B CB D9 5C 24 14

Fault code bytes: D9 0 D8 21 83 C0 4 83 C1 4 83 C2 4 4D D9 5A


EAX:00A53964 EBX:00A137D4

ECX:00A137D4 EDX:0012F850

ESI:00000000 EDI:00A137D0


SS:ESP:0023wow.gif012F838 EBP:00000002

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000



Call stack:

Stack 0012F838 001301D0

Address Logical Function

mapfile: C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.map (empty 1)

00454FC7 0001wow.gif0053FC7 C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.exe

Posli tenhle report na adresu xnovako1@volny.cz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


== C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.exe


Exe version: Wed Aug 21 14:59wow.gif0 2002


Date: 10/24/02 Time: 22:44:38


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Fault address: 00454FC7 01wow.gif0053FC7 C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.exe

Fault address: 00454FC7 01wow.gif0053FC7 C:\Documents and Settings\Freedom\Desktop\building\O2\Objektiv2Light.exe

Prev. code bytes: 0 0 0 D9 5C 24 10 DB 41 4 8B CB D9 5C 24 14

Fault code bytes: D9 0 D8 21 83 C0 4 83 C1 4 83 C2 4 4D D9 5A


EAX:00A53964 EBX:00A137D4

ECX:00A137D4 EDX:0012F850

ESI:00000000 EDI:00A137D0


SS:ESP:0023wow.gif012F838 EBP:00000002

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000



Call stack:........bla bla


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Ok not sure if this will help, i use to get the same problem when pressing A and it would crash out of o2, i fixed it by putting the o2 folder in the root directory say like this C:\o2light\ after i did this i could use the A key with out it crashing, could work for u but i am not sure biggrin.gif

I also get the error when i exit o2 sometimes where u have to reboot the computer, it could be a win me problem, not sure confused.gif

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Argh. The problem is back. I don't know what causes it. If you can fix it by randomly changing drives you can texture with a bit luck. But next time you boot your computer the probmlem is back.

I found out that it may have to do something with the DLL folder. If I remove the path to it in the options menu O2 doesn't crash when I change to texturing mode but it won't load any texture. If I paste it back O2 starts to crash again.

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I had that problem and if i remember correctly what I did is made sure that if buldozer.exe is in root of C:\ then my 02 was in C:\O2 so it is the subfolder of buldozer root. Then took all the buldozer dll files and copied them to C:\O2 along with Pal2PacE.exe and run it. Then restart and set the dll folder to C:\O2.

Hope it helps u like it helped me.

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Thanks. Seems to work so far. But the othe solution seemed to help too. Let's hope that it really helps this time smile.gif

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Ok i can't help, after i did the changes i mention to u, i have not had no problems with it at all  confused.gif

I have my dll folder go to my default o2 folder, not sure if u have it set up the same

I hope u get your problem fixed  biggrin.gif

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My O2 crashes when I exit it. That wouldn't be a problem if the error message could be clicked away...

Only way out: start OS new. *?*

btw: Any chance to let buldozer use the resistance cd? Would save me some DJ-work while testing V1.75+ add-ons...

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hmm somehow the problem disappeared. I switched the original OFP CD too my CD burner and the res CD in the DVD drive and it stopped crashing... strange... however... it might help others too.

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I have the same proble, after analyse of my prob. I found a soluce.

open regedit and find all entry from 02 and buldozer, del them and open o2, it make a clean install of the soft.

find entry like your o2.exe name's.

peraps itisoluce for you 2.


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hmm yeah I know were O2 is in the registry. I used it soemtimes to solve the problem. If I edited anything it worked. but only two times. Later it didn't work. As with every solution.

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In the search for a soulution to my problem (can't load textures) I came over this thread and found it't to be quite close my issue. So I tryed the hint's and experienced the problems described by donnervogel and some others. So I had to reverse everything (including the reg.-keys). It at least doesn't crash anymore AND the viewer starts correctly.

Nevertheless : I can't load textures! (can hit "A" but don't get any visible pic in the tex.-frame)

No my questions to anybody whose O2+viewer is working right:

EDIT!: I GOT IT! in Options -> set Translate, rotate and scale step to "1"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

still 1 more question!

Am I supposed to get a textures list in the "textures-pane" on the left of the O2 screen?

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