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Refresh_and_Package: a bash script for easy file distribution and packaging

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(Requires PBO Manager for packaging!)


The most annoying thing thing for me when I make missions is with all of the boilerplate copy-pasting and having to make new sqf files all over again.  Plus, when I make one change to my framework or mission templates, I have to distribute those changes into every mission folder and recompile them one by one so that all of the missions are up to date using the same version of my framework or template. I really needed to cut down time on this updating process, so I wrote these shell scripts to take care of it for me!


Github Link -->  https://github.com/wanderrful/Refresh_and_Package

Download Link --> https://github.com/wanderrful/Refresh_and_Package/releases


After extracting, simply go inside of the .sh files and replace the folder paths with the appropriate file paths:

  • For the refresh_missions.sh script, you have to provide the file path to your master folder that you want to distribute and your mission folder into each of which the files will be distributed
  • For the package_missions.sh script, you have to provide the file path to your PBO Manager folder, in which you will fine the PBOConsole.exe file!





As you can see in the above image, I prefer to use cygwin for running these scripts on Windows but you can use any Bash terminal, pretty much.  Just symlink what you need into a PATH directory (I use /usr/local/bin fwiw).




I posted asking about how to do something like this in a potentially much easier way but nobody responded... so I made this script!



Hope this helps somebody!

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