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Trouble with creating a sensor template

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I have been playing around with the new sensor system a bit to try to get a feel for how it works. I want to make a small library of radar templates based on real radars that can be applied to vehicles. I made a test template that would bring the range of the cheetah down from 9000m to 5000m. When I try to override the active radar of the cheetah it defaults back to the original radar. I am not sure if this is because I simply cant override the existing radar by inheriting a template or because my template is set up wrong.


config.cpp for my test templates

class CfgPatches
    class Test_Sensors
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {};
        author = "Pttn40"
        authors[] = {"Pttn40"};

class SensorTemplateActiveRadar;

class Test_TestRadar : SensorTemplateActiveRadar
    class AirTarget
        minRange = 5000;
        maxRange = 5000;
    class GroundTarget
        minRange = 5000;
        maxRange = 5000;

    typeRecognitionDistance = 5000;
    minTrackableATL = 25;
    maxTrackableATL = 3500;


config.cpp for overriding the cheetah 

class CfgPatches
    class Test_AAIFVTest
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Armor_F_Beta", "Test_Sensors"};
        author = "Pttn40"
        authors[] = {"Pttn40"};

        addonRootClass = "A3_Armor_F_Beta";

class Components;
class Test_TestRadar;
class CfgVehicles 
    class B_APC_Tracked_01_base_F;
    class B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F : B_APC_Tracked_01_base_F
        displayName = "Test AA";

       class Components : Components
			class SensorsManagerComponent
				class Components
					class ActiveRadarSensorComponent : Test_TestRadar


Does anyone know if this is because of an issue with how I have the configs set up, or if it is because I am simply not allowed to override the existing ActiveRadarSensorComponent through inheritance? 

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