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Here's a quick script to push your jet backward when it gets stuck!

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The most embarrassing way to lose a jet in a mission is to get it accidentally stuck on something because of a bad turn while taxiing.  Here's a script I made for a mission this weekend I'm playing with my friends to make your jet safely push itself backward... but it only works if your forward speed is less than 5kph.  Use the F3 key or the User Action 3 key in your control settings to try it out!


//*** Run this only in a CLIENTSIDE context!  (I recommend initPlayerLocal.sqf)
sxf_fnc_handleKey_F3 = {
	_vehicle = vehicle player; 
	_vel = velocity _vehicle;
	_dir = direction _vehicle; 
	if (_vehicle isKindOf "Plane") then {
		if (speed _vehicle <= 5) then {
			_vehicle setVelocity [ 
			 (_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * -10),  
			 (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * -10),  
			 (_vel select 2) 
		} else {
			playSound "AddItemFailed";
			titleText ["ERROR - Your plane must be still in order to reverse!", "PLAIN"];
	} else {
		playSound "AddItemFailed";
		titleText ["ERROR - You are not in a jet!", "PLAIN"];

//*** Bind the above function to 'User Action 3' (or F3 in case it is not already bound for whatever reason)
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [
			if ( (_this select 1) in ( (actionKeys 'User3') + [0x3d] ) ) then {call sxf_fnc_handleKey_F3;};


If anyone reading this is interested in playing with us, you're probably invited!  Everything you'd need to know is in this Steam group link:  http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fuckfuckgames

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