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Uniform not independent from Character - Issue

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Hey all:


So, I'm trying to get these uniforms to work - I am able to get them to show up on the character, but they're not independent of them: meaning I cannot remove them from the character and they're not recognized as individual from the character (the uniform is tied infinitely to the character, and I cannot get them to work individually).


Here is my config: 

class CfgPatches
	class ALRP_FBI
		version = "1";
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = "1";
		requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgFactionClasses
        class a_units
                displayName = "FBI";
                author = "JSTN";
                //icon = "Directory to faction Icon"; // Needs to be 16x16 in resolution and it needs to be in the form of a PAA.
                priority = 2;
                side = 1; // Blufor
class CfgVehicles
	class B_RangeMaster_F;
	class C_man_pilot_F;
	class B_Soldier_base_F;
	class B_soldier_F;
	class I_soldier_F;
	class ALRP_FBI_Uniform_ChapoM: I_soldier_F {
        author = "JSTN & Pidar";
				faction = "a_units";
        _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F";
        scope = 2;
				side = 1;
        displayName = "[FBI] Chapo Uniform";
        uniformClass = "ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Chapo";
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"};
				hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ALRP_FBI\uniforms\chapoguzman\textures\chapoguzman_uniform_co.paa"};
class ALRP_FBI_Uniform_NickM: I_soldier_F {
          author = "JSTN & Pidar";
          _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F";
          scope = 2;
					side = 1;
					faction = "a_units";
          displayName = "[FBI] Nick Uniform";
          uniformClass = "ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Nick";
          hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"};
					hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ALRP_FBI\uniforms\nickguzman\textures\nickguzman_uniform_co.paa"};

class ALRP_FBI_Uniform_HarrisonM: I_soldier_F {
            author = "JSTN & Pidar";
            _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F";
            scope = 2;
						side = 1;
						faction = "a_units";
            displayName = "[FBI] Harrison Uniform";
            uniformClass = "ALRP_FBI_Uniform_JH";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ALRP_FBI\uniforms\nickguzman\textures\jackharrison_uniform_co.paa"};
class cfgWeapons
	class Uniform_Base;
    class UniformItem;
	class H_Beret_02;
	class H_Beret_blk;
	class TAC_PBDFG2_B_1;
	class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr;
	class ItemCore;
	class InventoryItem_Base_F;
	class VestItem: InventoryItem_Base_F{};
	class HeadgearItem;
	class H_HelmetB;
	class ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Chapo: Uniform_Base
		author = "JSTN";
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "[FBI] Chapo Uniform";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F";

		class ItemInfo: UniformItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F";
			uniformClass = "ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Chapo";
			modelSides[] = {3,2,1,0};
			containerClass = "Supply40";
			mass = 40;

	class ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Nick: Uniform_Base
		author = "JSTN";
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "[FBI] Nick Uniform";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F";
		class ItemInfo: UniformItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F";
			uniformClass = "ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Nick";
			modelSides[] = {3,2,1,0};
			containerClass = "Supply40";
			mass = 40;

	class ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Harrison: Uniform_Base
		author = "JSTN";
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "[FBI] Harrison Uniform";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F";
		class ItemInfo: UniformItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F";
			uniformClass = "ALRP_FBI_Uniform_Harrison";
			modelSides[] = {3,2,1,0};
			containerClass = "Supply40";
			mass = 40;

	class ALRP: V_PlateCarrier1_rgr
		scope = 2;
		picture = "\TRYK_Uniforms\data\UI\icon_U_Ranger_vest_ca";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d";
			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
			containerClass = "Supply120";
			mass = 90;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo
				class Neck
					hitpointName = "HitNeck";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.4;
				class Legs
					hitpointName = "HitLegs";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.4;
				class Arms
					hitpointName = "HitArms";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.4;
				class Chest
					hitpointName = "HitChest";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.6;
				class Diaphragm
					hitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.4;
				class Abdomen
					hitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.4;
				class Pelvis
					hitpointName = "HitPelvis";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.4;
				class Body
					hitpointName = "HitBody";
					armor = 12;
					passThrough = 0.4;
	class ALRP_FBI_1: ALRP
		author = "JSTN";
		displayName = "[FBI] Anti Terror (1) ";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ALRP_FBI\Vests\FBIANTITERROR\textures\fbiantiterror_vest_co.paa"};
		author = "JSTN";
		displayName = "[FBI] Anti Terror (2)";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ALRP_FBI\Vests\FBIANTITERROR2\textures\fbiantiterror2_vest_co.paa"};

Any help is appreciated.



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