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Trigger activation when satchel blows

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simple request, just don't know how to do it. I just want to be able to activate trigger when I touch off the charge.

thanks dustin

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Well, that's a tricky question...

I'm only guessing here, but if you can somehow give a name for the satchel (maybe using an ident number that nearestObject returns) you can check the bombs alive-status. If it's not alive, it has exploded. Such as ?!(alive myBomb):goto bombExploded;

I'm not at home at the moment so I can't test it out myself.

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I read a similar thread the other day so i made this for ya!

1 Make a trigger thats activated by anyone/present/ then in the activation field I wrote  "bomb setdammage 1"

***Notice how dammage was spelled, this was why it would not work for me, I need to hit high school again because I spelled it "damage"

2 Now make an bomb, make a empty/ammo/"bomb satchele charge" and then name this "bomb"

I named it bomb to match the "bomb" in the triggers activation feild, cause if the trigger does not recognise the "bomb" it wont work for some reason! go figure!

To test triggers here is what I do: I go to effects and add a sound to the trigger, this way I have a sound to hear when I trigger the trigger. This is how i know the trigger is working. That is fairly self explanitory   NO SOUND = TRIGGER NOT WORKING RIGHT

As for the "bomb satchele charge" If you screw up making a name for it well quit makin maps while your ahead!

This was what I was looking for, now I can set bombs around my map and have them set off by triggers, I wanted this to help me add more of a "surprise to the player effect", I am a new map makin dummy so I need things explained in the simplist terms till I understand how the game reads the code which is what we make in the editor, then its simple as pie!

I hope I have helped a fellow dummy!!!!!!!!!

I have found alot of threads that I read and dont clearly understand, I realize that when you have been doing map makin for so long you over look things that a beginner may still not really understand so its good to clarify!

Oh one more thing, say a guy wanted to make alot of "bombs" well then in the trigger and the bomb satchele charge all you need to do is copy and paste them. Make five bombs and five triggers but name them "BOMB" "BOMB1" "BOMB2" "BOMB3" "BOMB4". Remember if ya have a bomb name "whatever" ya need a trigger named the EXACT same! Or you could make a whole wack of bombs and set them all of with one trigger by putting this in the activation field:  bomb setdammage 1; bomb1 setdammage 1; bomb2 setdammage 1; bomb3 setdammage 1; bomb4 setdammage 1;      UHHH.....KEWL......

Perhaps you can add that bomb to the cargo of a vehicle and make a trigger  to blow up  when you cross it...   hmmm i gotta go and try that out!

OFP for ever!

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That's a working solution but it doesn't work if someone places the bomb withing the game. That works only for editor-placed bombs.

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Hehe.. I was fooling around with 2 Spetsnaz guys.. They went into a town placing satchel charges along side road then they pulled back to safe place where I had em to hold and never fire.. the area where they placed their bombs had a trigger that activated when east detected west..

So I drove 3 Bradleys down the road.. and kaboom.. then the spetsnaz quietly moved out..

I ran it again and again.. good fun ... LOL..

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Hey Bergmania, any chance you could let me now how you did that with the satchel charges, I can set a trigger if I know the names of the charges, how do you do it if you don't know the names?


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This shows how spetznaz1 can place and touchoff pipebomb:

spetznaz1 action ["put","pipebomb"];

spetznaz1 action ["touchoff"];

there are more for this:

spetznaz1 action ["set timer",30];

spetznaz1 action ["start timer",30];


spetznaz1 action ["put","mine"];

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I tried that is there anyway to dynamically make a trigger in game? Like a spec op plants a charge in one area and then moves on to another spot and plants a charge, both these charges are then activated by enemy units within 5 meters, rather like claymores?

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I think I've sorted it, going to try a new script tonight, will (hopefully) work from action menu like the original satchel charge but will take players position and check continuously to see if an east unit is within firing distance (5m).

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smeg sorry to say, but you are hijacking a thread. The original thread is about something different. Pls open up a new one if you need help, but keep this one related to topic.

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Oops sorry, I have so many questions about OFP. Will start a new thread.

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