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[Solved] Return true if certain class is distance <3

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// scenario setup, I have a Linguist, only he will get the addAction from an informant, but won't give up the information if the interrogator is not present.


Linguist class:    B_Story_Protagonist_F

Interrogator class:   B_CTRG_soldier_GL_LAT_F


on the target:

nul = [this]execVM "Interview.sqf";



_target = (_this select 0);
_target addAction [  
 "<t color='#00ff00'>Ask Questions</t>",  
 [], 1.5, true, true, "", 
 "(alive target1) && (typeOf player) in ['B_Story_Protagonist_F']", 

this part works fine (though I'd like to change target1 to _target but this doesnt work so I just name each target) I can live with this part.




OK figured it out:


_ling = (_this select 1);
_tar = (_this select 0);

_ints = [];
	if ((typeOf _x) in ['B_CTRG_soldier_GL_LAT_F']) then
		_ints pushBack _x;
} forEach playableUnits;

_intsnear = false;
	if ((_x distance _tar) <3) then
		_intsnear = true;
} forEach _ints;

	hint format ["OK, OK, I'll talk, theres a bomb factory at grid 014,023"] 
	hint format [ "Go away American"]

if there's a cleaner way to do it I'm all ears

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