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Newbie query-loading addons in the editor?

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You have to write a config.cpp file.

Moving to Addon Config & Scripting smile.gif

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Guest BratZ

Extract and place the addon into your addon directory.

If your using resistance it will be under Operation Flashpoint/Res/Addons

Place your addon there and then go into the mission editor.

Open or Create a new mission.First you will need a soldier from any side assigned as player,then commence to place objects after that

Lets say you were trying to use one of Mehanics cars.

Insert a new object within the editor(I just double click in a spot)

I pick "empty" and then select "car"

Scroll through the list and pick whatever new car you want.

The mission ediotor will show the items placed (can move wherever now too)

Press preview to try out the new item : )

Also remember if you were trying out a new script or something,some things do work differently within the mission editor,You might have to save your mission and move to proper directory (missions) and try in single or multiplayer like a normal game.

Hope this helps

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