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Hello there,


as the title already says I got a problem with my capture script (with no Syntax-Errors).




	File: core\blu\fn_moneyPointBlu.sqf
	Author: TheDusty01
	Handles the money points.
_c = varHolder getVariable ["moneyCounter", 0];

_mName = "";
_point = getMarkerPos _mName;

if (_c == 0) then {
	_mName = "blu_money_1";
	_point = getMarkerPos _mName;
if (_c == 1) then {
	_mName = "blu_money_2";
	_point = getMarkerPos _mName;
	_c = 0;

_blu = 0;
_opf = 0;
_ind = 0;

_infantry = _point nearEntities ["Man", 30];
_vehicles = _point nearEntities [["Air", "Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank"], 30];

	/* Count the infantry for each team */
	switch (side _x) do {
		// Get blufor infantry count
		case west: {
			_blu = _blu + 1;

		// Get opfor infantry count
		case east: {
			_opf = _opf + 1;

		// Get independent infantry count
		case independent: {
			_ind = _ind + 1;
} forEach _infantry;

	/* Count the infantry for each team in the vehicle */
	_crew = crew _x;
	switch (side _crew) do {
		// Get blufor infantry count
		case west: {
			_blu = _blu + 1;

		// Get opfor infantry count
		case east: {
			_opf = _opf + 1;

		// Get independent infantry count
		case independent: {
			_ind = _ind + 1;

} forEach _vehicles;

/* Calculate who owns the objective */
_controlled = "";
_players = 0;
_color = "ColorBlack";

// Tie
if (_blu + _opf + _ind == 0) then {
	_controlled = "tie";
	_color = "ColorGrey";
	hint "tie";
} else {
	// Blufor
	if (_blu > _opf && _blu > _ind) then {
		_controlled = "blu";
		_color = "ColorWEST";
		_players = _blu;

	// Opfor
	if (_opf > _blu && _opf > _ind) then {
		_controlled = "opf";
		_color = "ColorEAST";
		_players = _opf;

	// Independent
	if (_ind > _blu && _ind > _opf) then {
		_controlled = "ind";
		_color = "ColorGUER";
		_players = _ind;
_mName setMarkerColor _color;
if !(_controlled isEqualTo "tie") then {
	[_controlled, _players] call game_fnc_moneyGive;

// Handling the other point
_c = 1;
varHolder setVariable ["moneyCounter", _c, true];


alt: http://pastebin.com/BcvMmrcw

The problem with this is that the color isn't changing back to "ColorBlack" when nobody is in the sector.




	File: core\functions\fn_moneyGive.sqf
	Author: TheDusty01
	Add the money to the controlling team.
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"

private ["_faction", "_plrs"];
_faction = _this select 0;
_plrs = _this select 1;

_obj = varHolder;
_amount = GAME_SETTINGS(getNumber, "money_amount");

_bluforMoney = _obj getVariable "bluforMoney";
_opforMoney = _obj getVariable "opforMoney";
_independentMoney = _obj getVariable "independentMoney";

// Calculate the reward
_finalAmount = _plrs * _amount;

// Adding the money to the team
if (_faction isEqualTo "blu") then {
	_bluforMoney = _bluforMoney + _finalAmount;
if (_faction isEqualTo "opf") then {
	_opforMoney = _opforMoney + _finalAmount;
if (_faction isEqualTo "ind") then {
	_independentMoney = _independentMoney + _finalAmount;

_obj setVariable ["bluforMoney", _bluforMoney, true];
_obj setVariable ["opforMoney", _opforMoney, true];
_obj setVariable ["independentMoney", _independentMoney, true];


alt: http://pastebin.com/1dHjZE50


How I execute the first script (fn_moneyPointBlu.sqf):

	File: core\functions\fn_mainLoop.sqf
	Author: TheDusty01
	Main loop for all capturable points.
_game_active = varHolder getVariable "game_active";

while {_game_active} do {
	sleep 4;
	// Setting up the money system
	[] call game_fnc_moneyPointBlu;
	[] call game_fnc_moneyPointOpf;
	[] call game_fnc_moneyPointInd;

	// Setting up the capture points
	[] call game_fnc_capPoints;


If someone has any ideas post them down below please.


Thanks for help in advance,


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Oh I see, it should be 

if ((_blu + _opf + _ind) == 0) then {
	// bla bla



Oh I am so stupid.. That wouldn't be really a tie but still this isn't the problem. When I am inside of the the area in still says over and over tie even when I am in it.

But why?

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if (_blu + _opf + _ind != 0) then {
	if ({selectMax [_blu, _opf, _ind] isEqualTo _x} count [_blu, _opf, _ind] > 1) then {
	} else {
		switch (selectMax [_blu, _opf, _ind]) do {
			case _blu: {...blu...};
			case _opf: {...opf...};          
			case _ind: {...ind...};

I believe the tie you look for is when the population is something else than 0.


Also the condition to give money probably should be:

if !(_controlled in ["", "tie"]) then {


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30 minutes ago, kauppapekka said:

if (_blu + _opf + _ind != 0) then {
	if ({selectMax [_blu, _opf, _ind] isEqualTo _x} count [_blu, _opf, _ind] > 1) then {
	} else {
		switch (selectMax [_blu, _opf, _ind]) do {
			case _blu: {...blu...};
			case _opf: {...opf...};          
			case _ind: {...ind...};

I believe the tie you look for is when the population is something else than 0.


Also the condition to give money probably should be:

if !(_controlled in ["", "tie"]) then {


Gonna try it later since I don't have time now.

Nvm, I just tried it and it didn't worked.. Stays black so it doesn't count as a tie even when I am inside the sector as a blufor soldier (which should execute the blufor part and the marker should be blue).


Thanks for your help though! :)

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Fixed the vehicle crew part:


		switch (side _x) do {

			case west: {
				_blu = _blu + 1;

			case east: {
				_opf = _opf + 1;

			case independent: {
				_ind = _ind + 1;
	} forEach crew _x;
} forEach _vehicles;




And then put a marker down "marker_0" and executed this code from the debug console:


[] spawn {
    while {true} do { 
        _mName = "marker_0"; 
        _point = getMarkerPos _mName; 

        _blu = 0; 
        _opf = 0; 
        _ind = 0; 

        _infantry = _point nearEntities ["Man", 30]; 
        _vehicles = _point nearEntities [["Air", "Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank"], 30]; 

            switch (side _x) do { 
                case west: {_blu = _blu + 1;}; 
                case east: {_opf = _opf + 1;}; 
                case independent: {_ind = _ind + 1;}; 
        } forEach _infantry; 

                switch (side _x) do { 
                    case west: {_blu = _blu + 1;}; 
                    case east: { _opf = _opf + 1;}; 
                    case independent: {_ind = _ind + 1;}; 
            } forEach crew _x; 
        } forEach _vehicles; 

         hintSilent str [_blu, _opf, _ind];

        _controlled = "";
        _players = 0; 
        _color = "ColorBlack"; 

        if (_blu + _opf + _ind != 0) then { 
            if ({selectMax [_blu, _opf, _ind] isEqualTo _x} count [_blu, _opf, _ind] > 1) then { 
                _controlled = "tie"; 
                _color = "ColorGrey"; 
            } else { 
                switch (selectMax [_blu, _opf, _ind]) do { 
                    case _blu: {  
                        _controlled = "blu"; 
                        _color = "ColorWEST"; 
                        _players = _blu;
                    case _opf: {
                        _controlled = "opf"; 
                        _color = "ColorEAST"; 
                        _players = _opf; 
                    case _ind: {
                        _controlled = "ind"; 
                        _color = "ColorGUER"; 
                        _players = _ind; 
        _mName setMarkerColor _color; 




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20 hours ago, TheDusty01 said:

_game_active = varHolder getVariable "game_active";

while {_game_active} do {
	sleep 4;



This is an endless cycle that will never end (or never begin)

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