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Requisite of models...

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Now (after browsing posts and posts) I know how to import .3DS in Oxygen, how to make a polygon, a cube and an M16 (and a little bird told me that you must enable "View normals" in Options to see them) and I know what are the LODs....


Which are the requisite of a models, i.e. a plane or a car?

I guess I can read all the commented config.cpp to find out it by myself, but it would make me go mad!

Every LOD in an object has many Named Selections...

I guess you can't name "Pippo" the selection "proxy:jeepcodriver.01" and "Paperino" the selection "Component41"...

Also, the selection "Volant" (the steering_wheel) is there because it is needed by OFP engine or just because the disigner didn't want anyone would think it's a donut?

And do these Named Selection require a particolar shape? (i.e. proxy should be a 3 vertex face, "tlumic" singles vertex)

So the question is,

I can't make just a box with four wheels and expect it to move in OFP... what does it need my box to work?

Could someone (an angel) take a simple .P3D (PLEASE SUMA AND MARUK! GIVE USE A JEEPPPPPPP!!!!wink.gif and explain the meaning of every named selection? (Commented jeep.P3D)

Thanks to everyone who care my questions!!!!


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So I'm writing now complex tutorial for oxy. Where I'm explainnig everytype of models. So there is e.g. type : car, so I write there what LOD's you muts crreate there, what selections must be in each LOD and which selection is for what. SO its "what do you need to create.. "

I will realse this tutorial this week.. so you must wait, But i know ,that this will help you, and other modelres!!!

Selection names are in Czech language..

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If you need a "beta tester" of your tutorial just contact me on ICQ (1632214) so I can give you some suggestion.

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