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Cannot get remote function to fire

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I have an end mission script that is supposed to show statistics on the screen once the mission is over. Ive defined the following function in "initPlayerLocal.sqf":

OSAR_fnc_localEndMission = {
	systemChat "Ending the mission!";
	["End the mission!",0,0,5,1] call BIS_fnc_DynamicText;
	sleep 6;
	_this select 1 call BIS_fnc_endMission;

In "endMission.sqf",  which is called on a player killed event, I have the following:

if !(isServer) exitWith {};

.. code to make _resultText ..

[[_resultsText, _ending],"OSAR_fnc_localEndMission"] call BIS_fnc_MP;   


Nothing however is displayed. I know its getting to this point where the function should be called because if I substitute that out for this code, I see the systemChat:

[{systemChat  "End mission!";},"BIS_fnc_spawn",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;


No errors come up either, just nothing runs. Any idea on why this code isnt running? My only thought is that "OSAR_fnc_localEndMission" isnt actually being defined for some reason for the client, but its in the initPlayerLocal.sqf so it should be available.


I was originally trying to modify the BIS_fnc_spawn code but I couldnt figure out how to pass the _resultText to it.

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This was solved. I moved my on kill listener out of the unit init box and into my initPlayerServer.sqf script.

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