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New forum organization

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The following changes have been made:

Oxygen and Oxygen beginners forums have been merged. All Oxygen forums are now open to all members.

There are now four O2 forums:

[*] O2 modelling

For discussion on modelling in O2

[*] O2 Troubleshooting

O2 related problems.

[*]O2 DOC

(formerly O2 faq) - This forum is for posting tutorials, tips, tricks etc in O2. Please don't post any question in that forum.

[*]Addon Config & Scripting

Discussion on writing .cpp files etc

Another relevant change is that Addons & Mods and Projects forum have been redefined into:

[*]ADDONS & MODS: Complete and

[*]ADDONS & MODS: Work in progress

The titles are selfexplanatory. The former Addons & Mods has been moved to the "Complete" while the "Projects" has gone to "Work in progress".

Now, the important difference is that requests and ideas for mods goes into "Work in progress".

We hope these changes will be for the better. Thank you for your patience smile.gif

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One additional change has been introduced:

The Mission Editing forum has been split into two forums:

[*]Mission Editing & Scripting

[*]User Missions

The idea is to put all the user made single and multiplayer missions in one forum so they don't get lost in the otherwise technical discussions of their original forums.

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Reorganized the forums a bit.

*sorted the forums in a little more logical order

*merged Squads and Fanpages (to reduce your mousewheel-wear) wink.gif

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