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Whitelisted Area

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Hello, so I am trying to get a white listed area to work on my server, I have this so far

playerList = [
	"00000000000000000"/* Assassin */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Kadaire */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Halvix */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Elikat */,
	"00000000000000000"/* BigSky */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Snakebite */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Grunt */,
	"00000000000000000"/* RageOnJack3D */,
	"00000000000000000"/* God Dammit */

_uid = getPlayerUID player;


	if ((vehicle player) == _x && ((getPos _x) select 2 < 1) && (!(_uid in playerList))) then {

			// Let player know this is members area and they are being removed
			hintC "This is a Members only area!";
			// Teleport them
			_x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west");
		} forEach (crew _x);
	// Teleport vehicle to spawn
	_x setPos (getMarkerPos "vehicle_teleport");
	// Teleports single person
	if (player == _x && (!(_uid in playerList))) then {
		// Let player know this is members area and they are being removed
		hintC "This is a Members only area!";
		// Teleport them
		_x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west");
} forEach _this;

That is in "lock.sqf"

null = thisList execVM "Assassin\map\lock.sqf";

That is in the On Act in the trigger set to BLUFOR present repeatable.

I am stumped as to why this isn't working. Also doesn't help that I am new to scripting too. 

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Try launch game with -showScriptErrors parameter and trace state of script execution/variables using systemChat and diag_log commands:

systemChat str _this;
systemChat format ["myvariable = %1", myvariable];


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6 hours ago, serena said:

Try launch game with -showScriptErrors parameter and trace state of script execution/variables using systemChat and diag_log commands:

systemChat str _this;
systemChat format ["myvariable = %1", myvariable];


Thank you for the help! 

Ran this, made me realize that I hadn't messed up, just had defined the variable playerList in another script. And coincidentally the 2 players I had test it where on that list haha ':D

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