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Heya there guys,


i am building my mission with my custom weapons in it which are saved in a seperate PBO however when i try to search them up in the editor they are not listed in the weapons and if i change the classname in the mission.sqm to my custom classnames it simply says that it cannot find the vehicle class.


now i tried makign a vehicle class and then putting all the vehicle class in the weapons config however they still do not show.


any1 got an idea ?


the weaponconfig is an HPP file which comes together in a CPP both the sample of the hpp and cpp are attached below.


class hlc_rifle_m4m203;

class ST1_SL_M4: hlc_rifle_m4m203
		displayName = M4A1 - M203;
		vehicleclass = "ST1_Weapons";
		class LinkedItems
			class LinkedItemsOptic
				slot = "CowsSlot";
				item = "FHQ_optic_ACOG";
			class LinkedItemsAcc
				slot = "CowsSlot";
				item = "CUP_acc_ANPEQ_2";
			class LinkedItemsMuzzle
				slot = "MuzzleSlot";
				item = "muzzle_snds_M";

and the config.cpp:

class CfgPatches 
	class ST1_Units
weapons[] = 
		requiredVersion = 0.1;

class CfgFactionClasses
	class ST1
		displayname = "Seal Team 1";
		author = "Eliree";
		priority = 1;
		side = 1;

class CfgVehicleClasses
class ST1_Weapons
		displayName = "Weapons";

class CfgWeapons
	#include "Weapons\Weapons.hpp"

class CfgVehicles
	class B_Soldier_base_F;
	class B_Soldier_F;
	#include "Weapons\Weapons.hpp"

is this in the config or is it in the mission ? cause i can't see mto find it


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