FederalRazer89 7 Posted December 22, 2016 As the title suggest i am trying to get some position from arrays of the command "nearestObjects". I want the "nearestObjects" to look for a certain amount of house, so i can identify a village or town with the script and then use the average of all the listed house in the array. That way the position i am after will not be heavily affected by one or two houses caught in the calclated radius. _Center = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"); _mapsize = (_Center select 0)*2; _RandomStartPos = [_Center, (_mapsize*0.77), (_mapsize*0.78), 3, 1, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; sleep 1; player moveInCargo [_heli,5]; _enemySpawnPos = [_RandomStartPos, (_mapsize*0.7), _mapsize*0.71, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; createMarker ["marker2",_enemySpawnPos]; "marker2" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "marker2" setMarkerSize [500,500]; "marker2" setMarkerText "Enemy resupply line"; "marker2" setMarkerAlpha 0.5; _findhouses = nearestObjects [[((_enemySpawnPos select 0)+(_mapsize*0.2)),((_enemySpawnPos select 1)+(_mapsize*0.2))], "house"", (_mapsize*0.2)]; _divide = count _findhouses; _fortifiedpos = _findhouses/_divide; createMarker ["marker3",_fortifiedpos]; "marker3" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "marker3" setMarkerSize [500,500]; "marker3" setMarkerText "Enemy resupply line"; "marker3" setMarkerAlpha 0.5; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites