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Attention: Forums maintenance starting tomorrow Dec 6th

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Hello Bohemia Interactive forums members and community. The web team will be performing a forums update starting tomorrow. The update process will take about one week.


The forums will be offline in maintenance, but should still be accessible as read only. In this read only state you should be able to browse and read posts, but you will not be able to create new posts or content.


Why will it take a whole week? We are giving a conservative time frame to ensure proper backend testing and migration can occur.


Why such a short notice? This forums update is long overdue and has been in planning for quite a while, but had be rescheduled several times. A window of opportunity is now available for the web team, so it will now proceed.


What will change? For the most part just the front landing page and the backend core software is changing along with some of the look and feel. After the main landing page, most of the sub-forum's order and structure is intended to remain the same or as close as possible to what you have been used to.


Best regards,


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