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Animation with soldier models?

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I would like to know how you animate the soldiers/human models in OFP. I wonder if its some kind of morph technique where you have two models that you morph in a certain time with a certain amount of % or if its regular animation with bones as a skeletton in the models. Do I need to animate every model that excist in OFP to be able to have them all to do this animation or is it just one "template" for them all. I know there isnt that many different models but its worth to know how it is.

I would really like to know some moore about this since I want to add new and different Pilots and maybe some ground troops with my aircraft addons.

One more question.

Is there a possibility to have the canopy of the plane open when someone jump in? Is it possible to do those animations?

I want to expand the reality for a bit in OFP and make it look a bit nicer by adding some small but maybe important touches smile.gif

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Sorry, but you can not add new animations in OFP. As explained by Suma, it is a long and hard process to implement them into the game. Sorry confused.gif

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Then what about animating the canopy?

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