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lt poncho

In Game Multiplayer Missions

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There are a number of missions that came with the game, and more added with v1.30, that you can play Multiplayer (ie. 1-8 Desert Ambush, etc).

Is there some flag or something in the mission.sqm file that you have to change in order to make it something you can edit? I am sure that everyone would like to edit the parameters slightly for all the Multiplayer Missions that came with the game, like the aformentioned mission (gimme a d*amn Javelin, please!).

Any help or hints would be appreciated. Merci!

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Come on people out there, I am sure someone has figured out what the procedure is to manipulate the Mulitplayer missions that came with the game/upgrades.


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You have to get a de-PBO program. The PBO files are a bunch of files put together, and the program will take em apart. You'd then put them into a folder under either users\<yourusername>\missions, or users\<yourusername>\MPmissions (to edit & test in MP mode).

You can get a de-PBO program at the downloads section of the OFP Editing Center, or pretty much any other OFP related site.


- PlaneShifter -

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Ah, it allows me to now EDIT the mission, however upon entering the Mission Editor the mission draws a total BLANK. No units, no markers, just the Blank Map as would you would start editing a new mission.

Any clues?

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The mission.sqm file is encrypted, you need to decrypt it before the mission editor can read it in properly. Somebody here should have a downloadable file called unpack-sqm.zip. Apparently this will allow you to decrypt the mission.sqm file except for the last few lines. I'm not sure what you need to replace the last 2 lines with, maybe somebody here can answer that too. I haven't tried it myself yet, but I thought you might need this info to get started.

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Ok, this is being posted for MadMax, who says he couldn't reply to this thread:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In all cases, you have to use a program to extract the mission.sqm file from the .pbo mission file  -> then decompile it -> then edit it -> then stuff it back into the original .pbo

The main problem I experienced was... there are two formats for the .sqm file: Bohemia Interactive's (BI) is different from the one created when you use the editor to make a mission.

UTILITIES REQUIRED (uncompiled Perl versions also available):

Extract mission.sqm file from a .PBO:


Decompile editor (user made) mission.sqm file: unpack.pl


* To use cmiss-uncomp.exe correctly, you need to:

1) Put it with a freshly unpacked mission.sqm in the same folder of your choice

2) Open a MS-Dos console

3) Change to your chosen directory

4) type: cmiss-uncomp.exe>mission.txt

5) new file mission.txt created in directory

6) Important: open mission.txt and go to the end of file

7) Delete the last 3or4 lines: "This exe file....."

8) Save your work

9) Put the "mission.txt" into your OFP-User folder

10) Rename it to "mission.sqm", ready to be edited.<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks MadMax!!

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