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Alarm Rot Jet / Helicopter

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I'm trying to create a reusable trigger like that:

When player is detected by Opfor launch the Helo, send it to kill the player.

Thats the simple desciption of what I'd like to do.


I inserted a trigger which sets variable "Found" to true if BLUFOR is detected by OPFOR.

I inserted a waypoint for each of these units of type "Hold" even tried "Loiter".

Waypoint Condition is "Found".

Second waypoint is "Seek and Destroy"


Jets start circling on the ground, then take-off even if I'm not detected.

Helos do nothing....


How do I create a scenario like that?






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I did find a solution.

I need to place the aircraft and set the name to e.g. "plane1".

And in the init-Field

plane1 setfuel 0;

And by trigger activation

plane1 setfuel 1;

Works for me.

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