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Very irritating!!

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I guess this is quite simple but I just can't get it to work!

Ok, i have an East soldier driving in a truck going to a place, he gets out and must run with his gun on his back to a certain place. (All the actions are at behaviour: safe). Now, he does:

Drive to to that point, gets out and and put his gun in his hand, walk 2-3 steps, put his gun on his back and walks further. But this doesn't fit in my intro!! It's really annoying! I tried several things with behaviour settings and changing waypoints but it all doesn't work! sad.gif Someone has an idea? I really appriciate it......

Greetz: DX

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I think there's nothing to do about that because a soldier always puts his gun in hand when he disembarks a truck.

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get your truck. In its init field type:

this setbehaviour "SAFE"

Then, give it a "MOVE" waypoint where you want it to go. Then give it a "GET OUT" waypoint close to that move point. Finally, make a "MOVE" waypoint where you want to soldier to go.

This will make a truck (lights on if it is dark), drive to a particular point, a soldier will get out with his gun on his back, and then will walk/ run to another point.

If you want the soldier to ONLY WALK to a point in the waypoint settings for the last waypoint set the speed to:


hope this helps.

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No, when you put a soldier on save and he exit the truck he doesn't put his gun in his hand. That's the weird thing about it! (Reply to Dammage...)

(Edited by DestroyerX at 3:27 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)

(Edited by DestroyerX at 3:28 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)

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sad.gif doesn't work, same story..... But i'll make a solution for it.... Thanks anyway.

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LOL! russians are weirdos! smile.gif I just placed the get out waypoint for the truck a bit closer to the place he must walk to and he gets out, with gun on back and now walks to that place! I tetsted it 4 times to see if he could do it again and all 4 test were sucesfully smile.gif Thx...

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If this is a movie intro without any user input, try using a little bit of your director skills and do some panning camera views in it. That way you can "hide" something you actually don't want to show up in your movie and make it look artistic.

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