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Sound issue

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I have a mission that creates side missions. When the side mission starts, I want it to play a sound file. I have created the sound file, put it in a folder called sound. I created a description.ext file with the following entry.


class CfgSounds {
sounds[] = {};
class dis {
    name = "dis";
    sound[] = {"sound\dis.ogg", 1, 1};
    titles[] = {};
The file is in the folder named sound. 
The first line of the side mission sqf file calls for the sound playsound "dis";
if (isServer) then 
playsound "dis";
When in editor, I start the mission in multiplayer, the first mission starts up and the sound plays. Once I PBO the mission and load it up to the dedicated server, the sound no longer plays. Any Idea?

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