kvntvan 13 Posted September 5, 2016 Howdy, I've been on a journey to recreate my favorite ARMA 2 mission, Fireball and Pogoman's Insurgency, specifically the old milgo server's edit that included asymmetric TvT pitting 4 insurgents vs up to 60 BLUFOR for my group of friends (they didn't play ARMA back then and I want them to experience TvT Insurgency's awesomeness). The gist of the op is that BLUFOR clears town/kills enemies to locate intel (laptop/satellite phone objects), upon acquiring the intel, a marker would spawn near the location of an Insurgent Cache, for each intel you found the marker would get closer to the cache's actual location until BLUFOR found the cache and destroyed it, then on to the next one. anyways I've run into a snag with the cache spawning script and the way it finds building locations to spawn in on Takistan, I'm reusing scripts from another similar op (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27977) but I'm getting some errors that will either 1. make the markers spawn on the bottom left corner of the map instead of near the cache or 2. the cache spawns way underground and is inaccessible. This happens maybe 30-40% of the time I've tested, sometimes everything works perfectly, but I'm trying to minimize the errors as much as possible. Anyways I was hoping someone with good scripting knowledge could examine these errors reports that I get and tell me if they could figure out what was going on. My own scripting knowledge is rudimentary at best so although I can gather its an error in finding a good building to spawn the cache in, the rest might as well be in Klingon, I can't understand it at all. anyways here are the errors that I'm getting 23:07:13 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:07:13 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 23:07:13 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { position = random > 23:07:13 Error position: <_building; } else { position = random > 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 23:07:13 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:07:13 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 23:07:13 Error in expression <cacheBuildings)-1)); _cachePosition = [_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:07:13 Error position: <_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetbuilding 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 75 And 23:26:56 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:26:56 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 23:26:56 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { position = random > 23:26:56 Error position: <_building; } else { position = random > 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 23:26:56 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:26:56 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 23:26:56 Error in expression <cacheBuildings)-1)); _cachePosition = [_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:26:56 Error position: <_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetbuilding 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 75 And here 14:20:30 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 14:20:30 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 14:20:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 14:20:30 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { position = random > 14:20:30 Error position: <_building; } else { position = random > 14:20:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 14:20:30 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 14:20:30 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 14:20:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 14:20:30 Error in expression <se; _targetBuilding = _cacheBuildings select (random((count _cacheBuildings)-1> 14:20:30 Error position: <select (random((count _cacheBuildings)-1> 14:20:30 Error Zero divisor 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 73 I know it looks like a bunch of convoluted confusing stuff and the issue might be beyond anyones scope to resolve but I'm at my wits end here and I've asked all my groups mission makers already, figured this was the last place I could go. If anyone would like to take a gander at what I've got so far here is my mission file, but theres a lot of mod dependencies so I don't know if you'd be able to open it http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27977 I know its a lot to ask, but thanks for any help in advance. Or if anyone knew of an entirely different way of doing this that'd be awesome, I know plenty of missions have done this exact same thing I'm looking for, but I couldn't figure out how to transfer their scripts to my mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites