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Educate me on picture resize and mod'ing Intell map marker

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I am currently using the below code to attach a picture to a whiteboard for a training session. What I need help with is the current doesn't fit proper on the white board. The picture is to big and the edges are missing.




this setdir getdir(tipsSignPost01); this SetObjectTexture [0,"picture\Dark-Angel-Medical-Logo.jpg"]; this attachTo [tipsSignPost01,[0,-.1,0.6]];



This is intel I pickup off a dead enemy soldier. Which if what I want. The part I dont want is, when you read the "intel" it allows you to click on the text which takes you to a mark. There is no mark.

So how do I remove the ability to click on the text for the marker?

Thank you for your help.


if (isServer) then { this setVariable ["RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture","a3\structures_f_epc\Items\Documents\Data\document_secret_01_co.paa", true]; [this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["Top Secret Docs","<br /><execute expression="[(group player), 'my intel task', ['an intel task', 'secret docs', '], [0,0,0], 'ASSIGNED', 0] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate"">This map identifies the Saint-George Airfield (116031) as the the location of where they are landing planes with more military equipment for the RATF's.</execute><br />",""]] call bis_fnc_setServerVariable; this setVariable ["recipients", west, true]; [this,"init"] spawn bis_fnc_initIntelObject; };

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I use whiteboards all the time..for parajumps and for info in missions..

Use this in the whiteboard init.   This setObjectTexture [0, "images\yourpicture.paa"]; using an images folder to keep all of the images in.


Armaholic has a great whiteboard script as well..just google whiteboard arma 3.


Cant help you with the 2nd question..hope this helps.



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